Hello Origami World,

I invite you all to participate in the project *#OrigamiforOpenArms *folding
a origami life jacket and donating to the *NGO Proactiva Open Arms* (

I created the origami life jacket model specially for this project and Nick
Robinson (thank you so much!) did the artwork. I wanted to help somehow
Proactiva Open Arms, an incredible team who is rescuing at the sea refugees
who are crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Europe to escape war, persecution
and poverty.

You'll find the information and the diagram in different languages at:
Enjoy the folding, donate and spread the word sharing it in the social

(You can also help by translating the text on the diagrams to more
languages. Send me a mail and I'll create the pdf and share it on my blog.)

Best greetings and good folding!
Coral Romà

Twitter: @origamialacart1

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