
I wanted to let you know about my new designs since my email about the Sand
Dollar. I have a few more single sheet designs - Trillium without and with
color change,  Sweet Home (2), LoveMyHome (2), and most recently, Nymphaea.
You can see photos here: http://origamee.net/creation/ss18to19.html

There are also new and free instructions for 11 of  my designs made by me
or by others in the past couple of months.
Videos: Poinsettia Floral Ball, Curled Sonobe, Clover Heart 2, Water Lily,
Hollyhock, and Majestic Mosaic.
Diagrams: Clover Hearts 1, 2, and 3, Sweet Homes, and Pentas.
You can find the instruction links here: http://www.origami.net/diagrams/

I have a lottery draw for winning 5 free books on Instagram, draw ending
May 31st, 21:00 hours Pacific Time. All you have to do to participate is
follow @origamee and comment on this post

Finally, the temporary price cut that I had announced for my book, Origami
All Kinds, will end on June 30th, after which it will go back up to it's
original retail price. You can find it on most Amazons. Please find details
here: http://origamee.net/

Hope all are keeping well in these uncertain times. Best wishes,


Origami home: origamee.net <http://www.origamee.net/>
Instagram: instagram.com/origamee/ <https://www.instagram.com/origamee/>
Facebook: facebook.com/origamee.net
Flickr: flickr.com/mmukhopadhyay

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