On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 8:33 PM Linda Munich <l.k.mus...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello fellow folders,
> Can anyone recommend a Japanese translation app for translating directions
> in model books?

Machine translation of Japanese is (still) unfortunately pretty rough. That
said, Google's translation app (available for phones) has both a "live" and
photo-based mode that can be pretty helpful for looking up individual
characters or phrases.

Be aware that Japanese uses no spaces between words, and relies on
inflected word endings and particles for lots of details, which can make it
challenging to decide what chunks of text to look up; and it can be written
either horizontally (read left to right) or vertically (read right to left)
which, if you're really unfamiliar with the language, can make it a bit
visually confusing. Most modern origami books are written with horizontal
text, read left to right, but some older stuff (notably Yoshizawa's books,
but some older Kasahara titles, too) has the text written vertically. The
spacing between lines will always give you a visual clue as to which way to
read the text (more space between lines than between individual characters.)

I am not remotely adult-literate, but can chunk my way through text if
needed, so don't hesitate to ask here if  you have any specific questions!


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