>John Scully wrote:

>I would prefer a more general statement - something along the lines of "If 
>anyone does or says anything >that is making you or someone else uncomfortable 
>please report it to an admin and we will make a >determination and >take 
>appropriate action".  Not a promise that "if you report it we will take action"


Having read “good examples of CoC provided in the link offered by “kicking off 
the discussion”, I noted exclusionary language. I find Mr. Scully’s ideas to be 
“inclusive”, and well thought out for the broad range of cultures that attend 
the Origami conventions. Additionally, Mr. Scully recognizes the opportunity 
public law offers in dealing with CoC, and is asking open ended questions 
regarding managing uncomfortable incidents. It appears Mr. Scully has heard 
what people are saying, and is open to ideas. Such a positive approach.


Orifun to all,


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