Dear David,

in the Padore Archive we have a sample of the 1st Dutch edition of Satte
van Breda “Het grote vouwboek” (Hulshorst: Uitgeverij van Breda. 1955) and
a copy of the translation into German from the 2nd Dutch 1963 edition,
published as “Kempers Grosses Papierfaltbuch. Falten und gestalten“
(Heidelberg: Kemper Verlag, 1965), which was reprinted at least in Staufen
im Breisgau (Germany) by Kaufmann Ernst Verlag in 1980 and 1982.

The 1st Dutch 1955 edition have 69 folding models and 96 pages.

The 1st German 1965 edition (translated from the 2nd Dutch 1963 edition)
have 60 models and 127 pages, and however the picures and diagrams of the
1955 edition are redrawed, the graphic book concept is very different.

23 folding models are present in both editions, 1955 and 1965, but 44
folding models are only present in the 1955 Dutch edition and not in the
1965 German edition. Mostly of them are froebelian models and models from
Maying Soong [席曼英] book “The Art of Chinese Paper Folding for Young and
Old” . They are:

Steek (p.10), Klapper (p.16-17), Chinese Steek (p.19-21), Meeuwtje (p.21),
Kwartiermuts (p.24-25), Toonbankje (p.27-28), Schildwachthuisje (p.28),
Tent (p.28), Wachthuisje (p.28), Bankje of tafeltje (p.29-30), Plat doosje
(p.30-31), Dubbel bootje (p.33), Bakje (p.33), Stoomboot (p.36-37).
Stoeltje en bankje (p.37-38), Bakje (p.38-39), Spelletje (p.39), Aap
(p.40-42), Lotusbloem (p.42-43), Stofblik (p.43-45), Stevig doosje (p.45),
Doosje met klepjes (p.46-48), Pet (p.49), Doosje met deksel (p.51-52), Lang
doosje (p.52-53), Sierdoosje (p.53-56), Meisjeskapje (p.58-59), Konijntje
(p.59-60), Chinese pagode (p.60-61), Zwaluw (p.62-63), Vliegtuig (p.63-64),
Bekertje-tent-muts (p.65), Festhoed (p.67-69), Hengelsmand (p.69-71), Tent
(p.71-72), Vleugelmuts (p.73-74), Bonbonmandje (p.74-75), Vliegende
ooievaar (p.79-81), Roeibootje (p.84-85), Chinees vissiersbootje (p.86-87),
Tafel (p.88-90), Salongarnituur (p.91-92), Japans beursje (p.93-94),
Samenvoegingen (p.95-96)

36 folding models are only present in the 1965 German edition and not in
the 1955 Dutch edition:

Vögelchen (p. 10), Mütze (p. 16), Kahn (p. 21), Schachtelchen (p. 22),
Nachen (p. 23), Zweispitz (p. 26), Langes boot (p. 27), Segelboot (p. 32),
Schachtel mit Klpaadeckel (p. 34), 2 Mühle (p. 41), Tisch (p. 45), Stuhl
(p. 48), Vogel (p. 54), Spitzhut (p. 56), Sitzbank und Sessel (p. 58),
Christbaumschmuck (p. 63), Christbaumschmuck (p. 66),Schwalbe (p. 68),
Weihnachtspyramide (p. 74), Stern (p. 76), Christbaumschmuck (p. 82), Krähe
(p. 88), Storch (p. 90), 1 Stern (p. 100), 2 Stern (p. 101), 3 Stern (p.
101), 4 Stern (p. 102), Wikingerhelm (p. 103), Phantasiekörbchen (p. 106),
Vogelnest (p. 110), Christbaumschmuck (p. 113), Tisch (p. 116), Brütende
Henne (p. 120)W, ippe (p. 121), Pfau (p. 124), Pelikan (p. 127)

Other books of the same author with a copy in the Padore archive are:

# Adventures with paper. London: Faber and Faber, 1955

# Abenteuer mit Papier. Heidelberg: Kemper Vlg., 1960

# Freude mit Papier. Heidelberg: Kemper Vlg., 1960

# Plezier met Papier, Hulshorst: Uitgeverij van Breda, ©1950, Zevende druck

# Origami. El arte del papel plegado. Editorial Kapelusz. Buenos Aires, 1972

# Avonturen met papier. Hulshorst: Uitgeverij van Breda. ©1952 , vierde
druk 1973

# Paper folding and modelling. London: Faber and Faber, ©1963, ©1965, 1973

# Pleasure with paper. Harmondsworth: Puffin Books, Faber and Faber, ©1954,

# Grondregels voor origami. Met talrijke vouwvoorbeelden. Helmond:
Uitgeverij Helmond, ©1993, 1993

I hope It can help you.

Regards from Catalonia

Joan Sallas

On 25 de febrer de 2022 11:28:16 David Mitchell
<> wrote:

I'm just wondering if anyone has a copy of the first edition of this book
(which I believe was published in 1955)?

The reason for asking is that I am trying to work out how it differs from
the 1963 second edition. Google Books says the first edition has 96 pages,
whereas the 1963 second edition has 127 ... so it was either completely
reformatted or contains additional material.

Can anyone help, please?



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