Thanks for the responses,

I just went ahead and deployed to the 
applications directory and set up the necessary
META-INF and application.xml file.

Kudos to orion for automatically picking up the 
new apps after I added them to the config files!
I was both very surprised and very happy to see 
   "auto deploying struts-documentation"
   "auto deploying struts-examples"
--I was going back to the orion window to shut it 
down and restart.  But I didn't have to!


-----Original Message-----
From: David Sierra Fernandez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 12:11 PM
To: Shields, Dorwin T.
Cc: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Easy deployment of .war files?

YEs Dorwin, it's very easy. If you hace a complete  application in a .war
file, you only have to follow the steps in "Hot-to setting up an
Application" in Orion docs, that implies to write a couple of lines in two
property files.

But the most important thing is that you have to bear in mind that in
those war files that you find in Internet, there shouldn't be any
property particular for any other server that orion.

In your war files there only cuold be standard properties and orion
proerties. You can read "web-application.xml" and
orion-web-application.xml" in orion docs.

The same to move the war files in Orion to other servers, you have to
eliminate the specific properties in order to make the war work in other

        David Sierra Fern ndez
        E.T.S.I. Telecomunicaci¢n
        Universidad de Valladolid    AULA CEDETEL
        Campus Miguel Delibes   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        47011 Valladolid (SPAIN)

 -- Sierr@ --

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Shields, Dorwin T. wrote:

> Hi,
>   I've been using tomcat and recently began using
> orion.  I was wondering if there was an easy way to
> deploy war files (read w/o creating an .ear file)?  There
> are a lot of projects on the web that simply exist
> as .war files.
> Thanks,
> Dorwin

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