At 09:50 22.11.00 , you wrote:
>On Tuesday 21 November 2000 12:47, you wrote:
> > >Is it possible to instatiate more than one session bean from the same
> > > class,
> > >
> > >for the same session? I'm planning to make a mullti-threaded servlet that
> >
> > you mean the same httpsession, don't you?
>Yes, the same HttpSession ...
> > >each thread instantiate one session bean object and works with it.
> >
> > could you describe a little more what you're trying to achieve?
>I need to execute something concurrently. For this, I need many session beans
>for the same class and then excute these session beans from a multi-threaded

I was asking about the use case you're modelling, not the particular 
implementation problem. so I still didn't get how the relationship between 
session beans and http-sessions is in your case. what do you mean by 
multi-threaded? multiple http requests executed on the servlet concurrently 
or multiple threads that are started by one http request that invoke 
session bean methods?


>Guilherme Ceschiatti

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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