> Orion's performance relative to other J2EE products is debatable, but I
> believe it is at the very top, if not the fastest.  In addition, Orion is
> pure Java, so it is very portable (I actually develop on my Win98 laptop).

I wanted to follow up and expound on this last parenthetical comment.

I can't say enough about being able to run our entire application on a single
Win98 box! It means that we can setup a demo on a portable PC, and have a
marketing person show up at a meeting and run a full demo from that portable.
We do not need an internet connection, nor a $10,000 machine.

Also, this means that developers can take work home with them, and not worry
about their connection to the office. It also means that developers can work
complete independent of each other, without stepping on eachother with every
little change to the deployment.

If Orion were used only for development and demos, and your application was
then deployed on a different app server, I think it is worth the $1500!


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