I heard that the original author was not longer actively developing the product, and 
someone was temporary taking over the administration and maintenance.  Because of the 
state of disruption with hypersonic, I recommend to look at Enhydra's InstandDB, if 
you wish a Java based RDMS, else look at databases like Mysql, postgresql, Sap4 (sp?), 
or Boreland's database.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 8:38 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Hypersonic website / docs


What's the correct url for the hypersonic website? I thought the official
one was hsql.oron.ch, which I'm sure worked until a few weeks ago but
doesn't now - I get a forbidden error when accessing it. Interestingly it
comes back with www.hypersonicsql.com in the error page, but that site
doesn't seem to exist in any form...

What gives? Is anyone on this list anything to do with Hypersonic and knows
what's happening with the site (it's been this way for a few days, and I've
just double-checked that it's not our web proxy)

Failing any kind of online help, are there docs buried within the Orion
document tree for Hypersonic? I couldn't see anything at all. 

What I'm actually after is some kind of command-line SQL client - does
Hypersonic have one? I know it's got that applet for administration (does
that even come as part of the Orion install?) but I don't want to fire up a
browser or mess around with appletviewer unless I have to. I do have a
homebrew client but it was written against Oracle so I don't know (yet)
what'll be involved in getting it to work with Hypersonic...



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