
I'm want to use Resin as servlet/jsp container and Orion as ejb container.

I followed simple instructions on resin web site on how to connect servlet
to ejb but I get ClassCastException.
Orion returns __Proxy0 class instead hello.ejb.HelloHome
Exception :

500 Servlet Exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to get home interface:
java.lang.ClassCastException: __Proxy0 was not an instance of interface
hello.ejb.HelloHome, the interfaces it implements is
        at hello.web.HelloServlet.init(HelloServlet.java:48)
        at com.caucho.server.http.Application.createServlet(Application.java:1731)
        at com.caucho.server.http.Application.loadServlet(Application.java:1695)
        at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(Invocation.java, Compiled
        at com.caucho.server.http.CacheInvocation.service(CacheInvocation.java:121)
        at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(HttpRequest.java:238)
        at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleConnection(HttpRequest.java,
Compiled Code)
        at com.caucho.server.TcpConnection.run(TcpConnection.java, Compiled Code)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)

I have copied hello-planet.war to resin.

There is answer in resin documentation that I should clear the CLASSPATH
environment before starting resin. I have done that but I still get
ClassCastException. (I don't understand why should that help but I have
tried that)

Do you know how to solve that problem?

Thanks in advance

Denis Kranjcec

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