>For one thing, this isn't a fair comparison as you're using different
>numbers of layers
>jsp(I assume?)->ejb->db
        I know it is not fair.
But the result contracdict what I was expecting (orion slower because of
more work/layers, but IIS crashing earlier because direct access).

I have to review my code. The answer could be here.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hani Suleiman
Sent: 25 April 2001 13:35
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: orion http server performance/load handling

For one thing, this isn't a fair comparison as you're using different
numbers of layers



jsp(I assume?)->ejb->db

but I agree that the connection url not found error is disturbing. Why
not submit a test app to bugzilla, I'm sure the orion folk would be
interested in fixing this (since it does sound like a bug)


On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, olivier wrote:

> Hi,
> I have developped 2 little web app using ASP/IIS for one,
> struts/JSP/EJB/Orion for the other. They both access the same database
> the same store proc, the pages are the same...
> However the EJB access the database, transform the resultset into objects
> arrays, while in the ASP the access is direct from the page and result are
> not converted into objects.
> I have written a simple client that create some thread, each thread
> several connection, all simultaneously.
> Orion is faster up to 150 connections.
> But at 200, Orion cannot respond to all requests (error like connection
> not found), on the first ones (quite a lot though), while IIS keeps
> slowly but running.
> Are their any settings I could change to get it better. ?
> Cheers,
> Olivier

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