What is the correct placement of supporting libraries for an application 
  within Orion?  We are running into continual class loader issues no 
matter where we place them.

We have tried:

- The approved J2EE blueprints location which is WEB-INF/lib.  This 
works fine in Tomcat, however, I get a ClassNotFound exception a Struts 
class (the Struts ActionHome class).

- Orion directed path which is a lib directory at the base of the .ear 
file.  This I tried based on messages from the Orion mailing list and 
the Elephantwalker support site.  My libraries were document in the 
"orion-application.xml" configuration file in the <library> tag.  This 
causes intermittant class loader issues.  The first form which is 
derived from a Struts ActionForm comes up fine but the next form throws 
a ClassNotFound exception.  In addition, Struts tags (ie. the ErrorTag) 
is not found when the page that has that tag is accessed.

- Placing libraries on the classpath for Orion server startup.  Again, 
problems with ClassNotFound exceptions.

I grant you, all of this issues seem to resolve around the Struts 
framework.  Is anyone aware of a problem revolving around Struts and 
Orion specially dealing with classloader issues?  On the Struts site, 
the only issues it documents have to deal with an old version of Orion 
(1.0.3) I think.

BTW, I have these problems using 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 on Solaris 2.8, Linux 
RH 7.1, Windows NT 4.0sp6, and Windows 2000.  So I know that it is not 
an OS-specific problem.

At this point, I am at a loss... Thoughts, ideas???

Perry Hoekstra
E-Commerce Architect
Talent Software Services

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