
I had problems until I upgaded to jakarta-struts-1.0-b3.

I put the struts.jar file in WEB-INF/lib as you have stated.
I also have all of the servlet classes in  WEB-INF/classes,
and no reference to these in the orion/lib paths.

Doug Graesser

-----Original Message-----
From: Perry Hoekstra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 12:06 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Library placement

What is the correct placement of supporting libraries for an application 
  within Orion?  We are running into continual class loader issues no 
matter where we place them.

We have tried:

- The approved J2EE blueprints location which is WEB-INF/lib.  This 
works fine in Tomcat, however, I get a ClassNotFound exception a Struts 
class (the Struts ActionHome class).

- Orion directed path which is a lib directory at the base of the .ear 
file.  This I tried based on messages from the Orion mailing list and 
the Elephantwalker support site.  My libraries were document in the 
"orion-application.xml" configuration file in the <library> tag.  This 
causes intermittant class loader issues.  The first form which is 
derived from a Struts ActionForm comes up fine but the next form throws 
a ClassNotFound exception.  In addition, Struts tags (ie. the ErrorTag) 
is not found when the page that has that tag is accessed.

- Placing libraries on the classpath for Orion server startup.  Again, 
problems with ClassNotFound exceptions.

I grant you, all of this issues seem to resolve around the Struts 
framework.  Is anyone aware of a problem revolving around Struts and 
Orion specially dealing with classloader issues?  On the Struts site, 
the only issues it documents have to deal with an old version of Orion 
(1.0.3) I think.

BTW, I have these problems using 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 on Solaris 2.8, Linux 
RH 7.1, Windows NT 4.0sp6, and Windows 2000.  So I know that it is not 
an OS-specific problem.

At this point, I am at a loss... Thoughts, ideas???

Perry Hoekstra
E-Commerce Architect
Talent Software Services

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