
What you ask for already exists.  You can create your own 
orion-ejb-jar.xml files, and place them next to your ejb-jar.xml files, 
and they will be automatically deployed.

The reason that most people edit the deployed ones is that they don't 
care to remember the syntax.  If you let orion generate them, then you 
can just edit the file.

Also, if you create an orion-ejb-jar.xml file, you do not need to 
specify all the parameters, orion will fill them in if you have missed some.

One other point to watch out for, is that once an orion-ejb-jar.xml file 
is deployed, it will not be overwritten.  So you will need to delete the 
existing one for it to be redeployed.


Scott Farquhar :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Atlassian ::
      Supporting YOUR J2EE World

Morten Wilken wrote:

> Am i the only one who thinks that the idea that you have to edit the
> autogenerated files like orion-ejb-jar.xml etc. is a bit problematic?
> sure it can be done and it works, but i would be much happier if i could
> have 2 sets of xml files, the ones you edit (and you could put in your
> versioning system), and another set that orion generates, and that you never
> have to fiddle with.
> it seems an odd mix the way it is right now, as if it was meant to be
> seperated, but somehow it wasn't followed through
> i could be wrong, and missing the point of the structure entirely
> comments appreciated
> sincerely
> morten wilken

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