Hello Montebove,

I must recognise that I don't understand how to deploy the service You sent.
I tried to deploy by throughing the .jws file in the axis folder and by writing a 

<admin:deploy xmlns:admin="AdminService">
  <service name="HelloService" pivot="RPCDispatcher">
   <option name="className" value="hello.web.HelloServlet"/>
   <option name="methodName" value="*"/>

but nothing worked.

When You use the .jws file how does Axis know of the EJB classes?

BTW: When accessing EJBs by SOAP this way, is it possible to use stateful session 
beans the it's meant to be, i.e., a client always 
"gets his" session bean?


Montebove Luciano wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> I didn't try it with Apache Soap, but with Apache Axis it works.
> Attached a sample jws that calls the simple HelloBean from Orion Primer.
> It works fine also with a Visual Basic client using pocketSoap 1.1.
> If the ejb is part of the same J2EE application as the Axis servlet you
> don't need
> any special coding in the .jws(consider the Axis Web application as an
> additional web-module of your application).
> Hope this help
> Luciano
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Simons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: luned́ 22 ottobre 2001 15.45
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: SOAP w/ Orion
> Hello,
> I cannot access an EJB Stateful Session Bean from a Java client using SOAP.
> Trying to do so always ends up with the message:
>    Fault Code   = SOAP-ENV:Server
>    Fault String = Unable to initialize context
> I assume that the context mentioned in the message means the JNDI context,
> but I don't know why Orion can't initialize it.
> Accessing the application from a Java client using RMI (ORMI) succeeds!
> Accessing another WebService (no EJB but just a simple Java class) succeeds
> so Orion and SOAP are basically working!
> I can deploy the service by:
> java -cp /opt/orion/orion.jar:/home/sim/soap-2_2/lib/soap.jar
> org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient 
> http://localhost:900/soap/servlet/rpcrouter deploy DeploymentDescriptor.xml
> And it's shown in the Apache SOAP Admin Page:
> 'urn:ejbhello' Service Deployment Descriptor
> Property 
>               Details
> ID 
>                       urn:ejbhello
> Scope 
>                       Application
> User-Defined Provider Type
> org.apache.soap.providers.StatefulEJBProvider
> Provider Class                        HelloService
> Use Static Class              false
> Methods 
>                       create, hello
> Type Mappings Default
> Mapping Registry Class
> Any help is highly appreciated,
> michael
> HelloService.jws
> Content-Type:
> application/octet-stream

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