Hi Ted,

Something like that happened to me recently, and it turns development
into a tedious task as you have to re-login every time. The usual cause,
as you mentioned, is that you probably store something in some session
or in the context that is not serializable. The fact that you can store
it in the session or in the context doesn't mean that it is
serializable, and sometimes you don't even get a proper error message.
In my case, I had stored a reference to the servlet context to an object
that was being kept in the context. As the servlet context is not
serializable, all the sessions and application state was being thrashed
every time I redeployed. With orion 1.4.8, I was getting an "application
state not serializable: com.orion...HttpApplication" error. With orion
1.5.2, I was getting NO ERROR, and it silently ignored the previous
state. In the end, I re-checked all the attributes of all the classes
that were being stored in the sessions and in the context and I found
it. It's not an easy problem to follow, I wish there were better means
to track this down. I queried the list and I got no answer so I guess
there isn't a way of getting more information about the process.
Good luck, it it worked before and now it doesn't, track the changes you
have made to the classes added to the sessions and the context and
remember that a class is only serializable if all its RUNTIME
non-transient members are also serializable (apart of the small detail
of implementing the serializable interface, of course ;) ). Watch out
for hashtables, vectors and the like, they
can hide non-serializable instances.

"Rice, Ted" wrote:

> i have read, and re-read, all
> of the postings on class
> (re)loading in relation to deployed
> applications inside orion. yet, i still
> have some unanswered questions.
> in my past experience, compiling classes
> to the ./WEB-INF/classes directory and
> touching either the web.xml or application.xml
> file will cause the new classes to be
> picked up and used. all objects that are
> in session are serialized and available
> after the application is re-deployed without
> having to re-start orion.
> however, i am now experiencing a situation
> wherein i'm losing my session information and
> being forced to re-login to my application to
> continue development.
> is there a set of criteria or implemenation details
> i'm missing. all objects are obviously serializable
> or they would not be able to be stored in a session.
> yet, my latest encounters with class reloading makes
> me doubt this assertion.
> any ideas/paths i can explore to making my
> development life less hell-like?
> thanks,
> ted rice

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