On Mo, 2013-06-03 at 15:12 +0200, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm trying to batch local database adds together to increase performance
> in SyncEvolution (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52669 and
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64838#c5).
> My hope was that I can postpone the actual modification and return a
> temporary local ID. Then later or in parallel, combine multiple items
> together in a batch add. Finally, the temporary ID was meant to be
> replaced by the final one in FinalizeLocalID.
> But I hit the first snag pretty early: FinalizeLocalID() doesn't seem to
> get called on the server side where I need this feature primarily (for
> PBAP, CalDAV, ActiveSync the server side is the one with the local
> database).
> dsFinalizeLocalID, the wrapper around the store's FinalizeLocalID, gets
> called in three functions:
> (gdb) b sysync::TBinfileImplDS::changeLogPostflight
> Breakpoint 2 at 0x106f956: file 
> /home/pohly/syncevolution/libsynthesis/src/sysync/binfileimplds.cpp, line 462.
> (gdb) b sysync::TBinfileImplDS::SaveAdminData
> Breakpoint 3 at 0x10739fd: file 
> /home/pohly/syncevolution/libsynthesis/src/sysync/binfileimplds.cpp, line 
> 2389.
> (gdb) b sysync::TLocalEngineDS::engGenerateMapItems
> Breakpoint 4 at 0x109c79c: file 
> /home/pohly/syncevolution/libsynthesis/src/sysync/localengineds.cpp, line 
> 6635.
> None of these get called on the server side during a
> refresh-from-client, slow or normal two-way sync. That makes sense, map
> items are only relevant on the client, and the server is not using the
> binfile class.
> But shouldn't the server also call FinalizeLocalID somewhere? Where
> would be the right place for it?
> Regarding FinalizeLocalID() in the client, I see some conceptual issues
> with it, at least for what I am trying to achieve. My main concern is
> about error handling.
> FinalizeLocalID() can return an error code, but dsFinalizeLocalID does
> not check for errors. It merely checks for "ID modified". So in case of
> an error, the local store itself has to remember that writing failed and
> "do something".
> What that "something" could be is not clear. It could return an error in
> EndDataWrite(), in which case I would expect the engine to enforce a
> slow sync in the next sync session. I can't think of other, realistic
> options right now.
> I think a better solution would be to delay handling the result of a
> database write until the entire SyncML message has been processed. Then
> give the store a chance to finalize the ID of each item that was touched
> as part of that SyncML message. The store can use that opportunity to
> flush the pending operations and return error codes for each item, just
> as it would normally do in the synchronous write operations. Then the
> engine continues with the same error handling that it already does.
> The advantage, besides better error handling, is that the store has a
> natural place to flush pending operations. Without the intermediate
> FinalizeLocalID() calls a new "max pending operations" setting
> independent of the SyncML message size would be needed.

... while the extension proposed above probably would work for adding or
updating items, for deleting it's questionable - why should
FinalizeLocalID be called for a deleted item?!

How about yet another approach: the store is allowed to return a new
error code, LOCERR_AGAIN, for add/update/delete operations. The engine
then remembers all operations with that return code and calls them again
(with the exact same parameters and without freeing resources!) at a
suitable time, for example the end of the current message. In the second
call, the store must execute or finish the operation.

The engine must not call an operation on an item for which it has
already something pending. If that happens, it has to complete the first
operation first. That way the store can keep a list of pending
operations with the ItemID as key.

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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