On Mon, 2013-06-10 at 11:45 +0200, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-06-10 at 11:27 +0200, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> > On Sun, 2013-06-09 at 12:59 +0200, Lukas Zeller wrote:
> > > Hello Patrick,
> > > 
> > > On 07.06.2013, at 16:37, Patrick Ohly <patrick.o...@intel.com> wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Couldn't the ordering of statuses be enforced by queuing the response of
> > > > commands which complete out of order, without forcing the strict
> > > > ordering of command execution?
> > > 
> > > I'd say yes - as long as the statuses arrive in the order the commands
> > > were sent, the peer doesn't see in what order the commands were
> > > actually executed.
> > > 
> > > However, there are tons of edge cases to consider, especially for
> > > split message commands (<moredata/>) and multi-message issues in
> > > general. The SyncML state machine was already a mess in the specs, and
> > > got even more so by all the workarounds for peers that didn't work
> > > correctly (or interpreted the weak specs differently) in one or the
> > > other case.
> > > 
> > > So while out of order execution and re-ordering statuses afterwards is
> > > certainly thinkable, I don't have a firm idea how difficult that would
> > > be to implement without breaking compatibility with all the weird
> > > peers out there. My general feeling is: more complicated than it looks
> > > on the first sight.
> > 
> > My idea was to use the same delayed command queue for commands that
> > finished and those that still need to execute: when encountering a
> > finished command in that queue, the level processing the queue would
> > issue the status command already prepared earlier.
> > 
> > That way correct ordering  would always be guaranteed.
> > 
> > > > The server expected another message whereas the client closed
> > > > the connection, leading to an error in SyncEvolution's message
> > > > transport:
> > > [...]
> > > 
> > > > I am a bit at a loss stepping through the client and server states here
> > > > that led to this situation. Lukas, can you help?
> > > 
> > > I looked through the logs, but can't see right away what's going
> > > wrong. I'd guess that the problem is the updating of the fNeedToAnswer
> > > flag, which does not get properly set or reset due to the out-of-order
> > > execution.
> > 
> > What exactly does "fNeedToAnswer" mean? Initially I thought it meant "my
> > peer needs to send me an answer", because you were talking about it in
> > the context of the server sending a message and then expecting an answer
> > that the client doesn't send.
> > 
> > But after looking at the code more closely, it seems to have the meaning
> > of "I need to send my answer". Right?
> > 
> > In that case, the flag is irrelevant on the server except for (perhaps)
> > some state changes, because the server always has to reply to the
> > client.
> > 
> > The problem in my case is not that the flag is set when it shouldn't be
> > set (or vice versa), the problem is that the server expects another
> > message. I think the client is correct in not sending that message.
> > 
> > The key difference in the logs is that in the normal case, the server
> > stays in the "map" phase, while in the failure case it goes 
> > 
> > 
> > Okay:
> > 
> > [2013-06-07 15:55:13.697] ---> MessageEnded starts : old incoming 
> > state='sync', old outgoing state='sync', NeedToAnswer
> > <server processes Add>
> > [2013-06-07 16:14:55.625] ---> MessageEnded finishes : new incoming 
> > state='map', new outgoing state='map', NeedToAnswer
> > <server sends reply, stops session, and so does the client>
> > 
> > Failed:
> > [2013-06-07 15:55:13.697] ---> MessageEnded starts : old incoming 
> > state='sync', old outgoing state='sync', NeedToAnswer
> > <server delays Add, sends <Alert 222>
> > [2013-06-07 15:55:13.697] ---> MessageEnded finishes : new incoming 
> > state='map', new outgoing state='sync', NeedToAnswer
> > <client sends Alert 222>
> > [2013-06-07 15:55:13.777] ---> MessageEnded starts : old incoming 
> > state='map', old outgoing state='sync', NeedToAnswer
> > <server executes delayed Add and sends their Status>
> > [2013-06-07 15:55:13.777] ---> MessageEnded finishes : new incoming 
> > state='map', new outgoing state='map', NeedToAnswer
> > <client quits, server continues with session => error>
> > 
> > Looking at it like that, the question becomes: how does the server
> > decided that it still needs an answer from the client?
> Perhaps the problem is on the client side after all: in message msgID=2,
> the client client sent the Add command with a Final flag. In msgID=3, it
> acknowledges the server's SyncCmd with a Status, *without* a Final flag.
> The server therefore (in it's MessageEnded checks) continues with the
> session, whereas the client quits it.
> Should the client continue to set the Final flag as long as it is
> waiting for the server to finish?

It'd didn't do that because the server didn't set it either.

My feeling is that untangling all these state changes is going to be
tricky. I'll probably try something else: if commands were delayed in a
message which is marked Final, then force execution of the commands at
the end of processing that message and issue their Status commands, just
as syncing normally would.

The effect will be that commands only get delayed across messages if
there will be more of them coming in anyway. The hope is that this will
avoid or at least minimize state change issues.

Note that the problem that I am running into also exists in the
unmodified code: I expect similar issues when the server delays
processing because of timing. On the other hand, perhaps the situation
there is different because at least some commands should execute.

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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