I am agree with Boh, this is a sosio-economic problem. I am working
with an IT firm and our business model doesn't reach Google's or
Ubuntu's business model yet, we like to adopt it, but we CAN'T. It may
takes 5-10 years to see it happens here. "How do you sell FOSS when
it's available for free?"... Most people still don't understand how to
generate money from FOSS.

Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

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On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Boh Yap <bhy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi all,
> A few post earlier, the question of
>  "How do I eat, while I work on free SW?"
> is a very valid question, especially more so in our so called
> 'developing world'.
> Someone has to pay... or rather the developer has some form of income.
> I think the issue is also socio-economic related.
> In developed countries, there is a social safety net of a welfare
> system, where altho meagre, someone can still live on, while they work
> on their free pet projects.
> But I think the more important socio-economic issue is in Europe, US &
> Developed countries, they ALL STARTED YOUNGER! Take Google, Yahoo,
> Linus, they started while tey will still in college or just after.
> This shows a few things:
> 1. the skill levels of the overseas CompSc students are way higher!
> Most guys who opt for CompSc ALREADY KNOW programming before Uni.
> Here, they entr Uni to learn to program! And we have lecturers that
> barely know how to program...
> Then, we don't gain enough skills and knowledge until we are in late
> 20's then you get hit with the next problem..
> 2. starting younger means you have less 'other' commitments - ie: no
> spouse, no mortgages and no kids. When you have these, its next to
> impossible to consider working on free SW, if you are not already
> paid, or have some other sort of income. Even with social welfare,
> once you have these commitments, its hard, economically to work on
> free SW.
> 3. If you work for a local company, no way they will open source their
> stuff! The culture hav'nt reached that far yet. And its only in a
> handful of multi-national companies that actively support FOSS, that
> you will get to work on a FOSS project - ie: Sun, IBM, etc...
> 4. Skill levels again... the technical demands of a FOSS project is
> pretty high, and there is a very steep learning curve. So if you wanna
> join a FOSS project you gotta be a reasonably good coder or
> documentor.
> If you are starting one, you better be a good PM and/or Architect.
> So I guess, the gleam in the eye, the the gung-ho enthusiasm will only
> carry you that far. It would probably work when I was in my 20's but
> now?? I doubt it.
> Still I do not diss the enthusiasm and ideals, but after 20 yrs
> pushing them, (uphill), I have become more jaded. I still uphold those
> ideals, otherwise I wouldnt be on this forum, and I will like to see
> progress... my POV is that we shld focus on skills development,
> really, really work on developing programming skills - and with modern
> languages its much more easier and fun. Think of the collective
> potential of the country if 5% of school leavers (I mean STPM not Uni)
> can build a website using the usual framework (Joomla, Rails,
> Django,...) there'll be 10,000's .... of developers who can later
> work/invent on other stuff..
> So I rather see OSDC have a few programs:
> a. work with or consult with Higher Education to develop curriculum and 
> skills.
>    perhaps also have work experiance interchange, ie: those working in FOSS to
>    lecture in Uni.
> b. MDEC, MOSTI whatever to provide a 'safety net' for programmers.
> Someone brought up an idea of a 50k/3mth grant that doesnt need a ton
> of paperwork to approve. ie: give 50k to a project and in 3 mths they
> better show results, else its axed. This I think would be a better
> program to promote technopreneurs. And OSDC can help do the evaluation
> and due deligence.
> c. OSDC itself kick-off a few FOSS projects, especially those that
> have scio-economic /cultural/nation-building benfits. I can rattle off
> a few at the top of my head:
>  1.  A System for managing non-profit organizatiions (FreeNPO?) - ie:
> for thinks like the AIDS foundation, Orphanages, Charity org.
>  2.  Various database projects, ie: like a Biodiversty Database, to
> capture the fast disapearing species of flora & fuan in our forest...
> I'm sure FRIM (Forest Researh Inst.) and UPM would love this....
>  3. Healthcare (my favourite), there is much to do here, because Med
> SW tends to be very expensive, and I strongly fell tht money spent on
> licences could be better spent on medicines and real things that save
> lives!)... from Systems to manage small rural hospitals, systems to
> report on medical statistics (like cases of Malaria, HINI, no.
> births/deaths, diabetes.. that cover in ALL hospitals even in 'ulu'
> towns...) BTW this has been done successfully uisng SMS on FOSS in
> Philipines! and there are many other areas...
> If OSDC want to spearhead any of these, then I'll gladly be involved,
> and I'll be more than willing to run a real programming course, but
> pls dont ask me to sit in a booth at some exhibition to answer mundane
> questions, I've done my share of that....;-(
> Well that's my rant...
> ;-)
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:07 PM, BRIAN RITCHIE
> <esqbrianritc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I know. Its no excuse and I openly admit it. Late night unfortunately though
>> I agree, missing his talk was inexcusable.
>> Ditesh, thanks a mill dude. Greatly appreciated
>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 6:56 PM, red1 <r...@red1.org> wrote:
>>> Brian,
>>> Shame on you! Overshot alarm clock? :)
>>> Well, even though its uploaded to youtube later, nothing beats been
>>> there in person. You could see his body language and glimmer in his eyes
>>> when he said what he said,
>>> "We do have a business plan. It is only a single paper with a single
>>> line, 'We think it can work.'" I noticed from his eyes, how he hated to
>>> be insulted by those men in black suits and neckties. :)
>>> red1
>>> BRIAN RITCHIE wrote:
>>> > Ditesh,
>>> >
>>> >   Any chance his presentation will be uploaded/circulated ? I was one
>>> > of the few guilty ones that missed due to an overshot alarm clock. :-(
>> >
> --
> #-------
> regds,
> Boh Heong, Yap
> >

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