Tuan Red1,

Is it possible to share the document for knowledge's sake ?


Redzuan Affandi®

”...the ability or inability of societies to master technology, and
particularly technologies that are strategically decisive in each
historical period, largely shapes their destiny…”
Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society (1996)

On 31 July 2012 08:17, red1 <r...@red1.org> wrote:

> **
> Geng,
> -------- Original Message --------  Subject: Re: Kertas Pembentangan Sesi
> Open Day 30/7/2012 Kajian Semula National Strategic ICT Roadmaps dan
> Technology Roadmaps.  Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 08:16:42 +0800  From: red1
> <r...@red1.org> <r...@red1.org>  To: Mohd Hafezzudeen Bin. Che Hassan
> <haf...@mosti.gov.my> <haf...@mosti.gov.my>  CC: suz...@cybersecurity.my
> <suz...@cybersecurity.my> <suz...@cybersecurity.my>,
> rafik.zainu...@cmc.gov.my 
> <rafik.zainu...@cmc.gov.my><rafik.zainu...@cmc.gov.my>,
> man...@persis.biz <man...@persis.biz> <man...@persis.biz>,
> abdra...@uniten.edu.my <abdra...@uniten.edu.my> <abdra...@uniten.edu.my>,
> Izzatul Shima Binti Md Thahir 
> <izzatulsh...@mosti.gov.my><izzatulsh...@mosti.gov.my>,
> nonni...@cybersecurity.my 
> <nonni...@cybersecurity.my><nonni...@cybersecurity.my>,
> faz...@cybersecurity.my <faz...@cybersecurity.my><faz...@cybersecurity.my>,
> suha...@mtdc.com.my <suha...@mtdc.com.my> <suha...@mtdc.com.my>,
> az...@tmsk.uitm.edu.my <az...@tmsk.uitm.edu.my> <az...@tmsk.uitm.edu.my>,
> sapura.raf...@treasury.gov.my 
> <sapura.raf...@treasury.gov.my><sapura.raf...@treasury.gov.my>,
> Lim Li Tian <lt...@mosti.gov.my> <lt...@mosti.gov.my>, Suhaimi Bin Hamzah
> <suha...@mosti.gov.my> <suha...@mosti.gov.my>, rku...@yahoo.com
> <rku...@yahoo.com> <rku...@yahoo.com>, Tan Chuan Ou 
> <ta...@mosti.gov.my><ta...@mosti.gov.my>,
> Rusilawati Binti Othman <rus...@mosti.gov.my> <rus...@mosti.gov.my>, Gan
> Kim Sai <g...@mosti.gov.my> <g...@mosti.gov.my>
> Thank you for the document. This is so efficient. Kudos to the secretariat
> and consultant team handling this.
> DISCLAMIER. I am an angry and foolish person. :) I wish to give my 2 cents
> to this fine effort and i already given one cent yesterday and i shall pay
> the second cent now. I apologise if i sound patronising but i humbly beg
> for leniency in reading this. My disclaimer is that you can always stop
> here. It is called 'freedom of choice' from where we come from. But if you
> read till the end, i will reward the reader with a poetic apology.
> Yesterday i asked the question if you have heard of me where i mentioned
> three main-stream media pieces such as '*Putting Malaysia* on the *open
> source map*, New Straits Times, 2007' and The Star Intech cover story on
> 9th June 2009. (please see the Star Intech image here
> http://www.adempiere.com/index.php/User:Red1) not to bitch but i was
> attempting a simple straight-to-the-point pitch as i possibly can. With no
> one raising their hands is resting my case.
> As a celebrated founding leader of an Open Source project fork by many
> parties outside Malaysia (please see http://red1.org/guestbook/) has put
> me past bragging point and i wanted to make the academic contribution to my
> own country about how Innovation is lacking in our nation's DNA. Hopefully
> from what i say in my own right may carry some lesson either to myself or
> to the country. Or both.
> I am encouraged by the presentation workshop as many of those who spoke
> touched on such 'Innovation DNA' to be identified and nurtured as part of
> the National Strategic ICT Roadmap. There was reference from one
> representative about 'Behavioral Economics' and "What is new?' or 'How do
> we beat the megatrends by striking our own 'blue ocean strategy' so to
> speak which points to the need that such a Strategic Roadmap must address
> in order to not miss the forest for the trees.
> I am no expert as to the many professors and consultants in each own
> respective endeavour in the room. I hope for consideration as an expert in
> my field as reported in our local press. I read alot and practiced alot my
> last 30 years in my field. I am not just a  high school dropout, software
> engineer that is self taught but reborn a few times through many mistakes
> such as 3 dotcom crashes (as Siti Nurhaliza's first webmaster, Singapore's
> WebTV and Malaysia's WorldSOL.com (an oil B2B based on OracleExchange) and
> ever jealous of foreign dominance over our local software industry. These
> thoughts and the particular thought that others are raking in billions with
> almost no effort in small-man teams such as Youtube, Google, Twitter and
> Facebook where they only created a dotcom and a template suite and the
> whole world gave them the billons worth of content, while we are always
> part of the mindless consumers that are sinking in the world's rankings and
> ratings. Yesterday's slide by the consultants which is a downward slide
> (good pun) was too much for any Malaysian in the room to bear.
> I read alot on even what Dr. Mahathir read such as Keniche Ohmae's
> Borderless World and every book from Alvin Toffler and someone truly
> brilliant called Dr. Lester Thurow. I directly incorporated some of the
> naked ideas about 'going against the grain' with 'building value brand
> equity' and Al Ries and Jack Trout's 'Positioning of the Mind' as part of a
> strategy to reinvent myself into a global icon on the assumption that if
> someone can give a stupid idea in California and make billions, why not me
> who is as foolish.
> Thus nearly a decade ago, I laid out a strategy to explore from lessons
> learnt past, of what is missing in some of the online stuff i found and
> filled the gap which eventually worked albeit singlehandedly (thanks to our
> nation's infrastructure in the form of a lone copper phone Streamyx line
> that links the community to my farm home in Kuang here 9 years ago) where i
> became the top Compiere project community human icon and eventually
> recognised as a global leader in its most aggresive fork today. The
> technology our project global 'taleban' team is mind-blowing, dabbling in
> cutting edge such as Apache ActiveMQ, IBM Equinox OSGi and Android
> computing (see http://www.adempiere.com). And business wise, our users
> are from IBM, SAP, JD Edwards, Sage coupled with serious verticals'
> backgrounds such as Oil and Gas, Banking and the military.
> However i was totally frustrated when interacting with the system in our
> country to get even a fair hearing. In fact there was no hearing as no one
> called back as hardly anyone understand my pitch. Some friend in MDec even
> advised me to take a salesman course to sound less bitchy and more
> pitch-fee. Sorry, i am no salesman. I am a code cruncher. If i stop
> rallying my troops and coding knee high into their same mud, the project
> may suffer though we are backed up by hackers and forks from Chile to Japan.
> I find all this relevant and ironic because those viral social dotcoms is
> an emerging global megatrend by itself. I have written my own take that
> they are not actually social but part of a sick strategy where they will
> converge into a gigantic life-style monopoly of Google-ERP of which i am
> trying to leverage the ERP part planting a flag somewhere on the equation
> zoo. I am not dreaming of the day Google or Bill Gates offer me a blank
> cheque because seriously it will be an insult to Malaysia when fellow
> Malaysians hear of this.
> I pray that in this fasting month some of my fellow Malaysians out there
> feel my continous hope of a quantum leap of faith. If any of you allow me
> to present what actually is this formula of Google ERP with an eco-system
> that actually costs peanuts compared to the North South Highway to blow the
> world over, please contact me at my email here and i will give you my
> personal number. Don't worry. My expectations are very low.
> I am not hoping for any terminology in the document to be changed or any
> mention of a 'Top Guru Award" (hint) to spur individualistic spirit which
> Steve Jobs so articulated in life and spirit, but at least we can work
> systematically to kindle more of such dreams to go global from among our
> kampung folks connected and living only via a copper ADSL line. After all
> that is the slogan from our dear PM - rakyat didahulukan.
> As promised, my poem of apologeticsm:
> Sempena bulan yang mulia ini, menjelang syawal tiba nanti;
> Terimalah saya yang tidak teratur dalam susunan jari,
> Mohon maaf kerana tidak tahu sangat berbahasa;
> Hanya Tuhan Penjadi alam yang Maha Sempurna
> Wallahu Aklam
> Redhuan Daniel Oon,
> (participant under OSS SIG, MNCC)
> www.red1.org
> On 7/31/12 6:01 AM, Mohd Hafezzudeen Bin. Che Hassan wrote:
> Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
> Datin/ Prof./ Dr./ Tuan/ Puan,
> Dengan segala hormatnya saya merujuk perkara di atas.
> Dikepilkan bersama emel ini ialah kertas pembentangan daripada pihak 
> perunding Frost & Sullivan untuk makluman pihak Datin/ Prof./ Dr./ Tuan/ 
> Puan. Diharapkan pihak Datin/ Prof./ Dr./ Tuan/ Puan dapat memberi 
> maklumbalas sekiranya ada, pada atau sebelum 3 Ogos 2012 bagi tujuan 
> penambahbaikan laporan akhir oleh pihak perunding. Kerjasama daripada pihak 
> Datin/ Prof./ Dr./ Tuan/ Puan amat kami hargai.
> Sekian, terima kasih.
> Mohd Hafezzudeen Che Hassan
> Bahagian Dasar ICT
> Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi
> Aras 5, Blok C5, Kompleks C
> 62662 Putrajaya
>  --
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