boh has a point. will centralisation of ict officers also mean
centralisation of services and of ict budgets ?

On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 10:01 AM, <> wrote:

> welcome back, boh! glad to see your replies again..I mean it :P
> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Boh Yap <>
> Sender:
> Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 18:12:26
> To: <>
> Reply-To:
> CIO -
>  - SIRI 3
> hi all,
> Firstly, I apologise for coming into this late, have not been
> following OSDC list much lately, work... then Red1 pulled me into
> this.
> So gathering some facts from above, here is my rant.
> 1. Centralized IT
>     Need to rethink, centralization offers benefits like economies of
> scale, standardisation, leveraging/creating pools of expertise
> (building ecosystems)...
>     But this has got to be different from the mainframe era, with big
> vendors, technology lock-in, proprietry standards and hardware...
>     What the 'New Centralization' should be; it should leverage the
> latest technology, cloud based computing, ubiqious mobile devices,
> prevalent broadband internet.
> Why?
> ----
> Centralising computing much as you would cemtralise utillities, like
> water, power etc... Such utillities are considered infrastructure,
> essential for economic development. Much as our current current
> economic strength was due to the foresight of earlier government to
> spend on developing the physical infrastructue of roads, ports, power,
> water... which in turn attracted DFI (direct foreign investment) which
> inturn led to our economic prosperity. That was phase 1, which was
> essentially emphasizing on 'hardware' or physical infra.
> Phase 2: is about building 'Knowledge based' economy. The enablers for
> that is ICT infra, that would allow knowledge and services to 'flow'
> just as roads and ports allowed physical goods to flow. Hence
> computing resources - as represented by cloud-computing, broadband
> (wireless) telecommunications, mobile devices are the way to go.
> These, are still 'hard' infra, easy to build, just spend money and do
> a bit of planning. The development of the 'soft-assets' is more
> difficult, it includes fixing Education, and devloping ecosystems of
> IT expertise, SW development, mobile solutions, cloud-computer admins,
> network & security... Then you need domain experts..
> Easily available infra - leads to innovation
> --------------------------------------------
> A prominent Silicon Valley VC, in a talk, mentioned the low-cost of
> computing leads to the rapid growth of innovation and new start-up
> companies. He specifically mentioned the low-cost of PC/laptops and
> zero-cost of FOSS. But to deploy and beta-test a product, hosting
> costs are still high, particularly in Malaysia. Lowering hosting costs
> via cloud based infra, would lower costs further, leverage
> efficiencies for wider systems deployment and allow many more
> innovators to participate.
> Start-ups/innovators can quickly & cheaply develop, test, deploy their
> prodctt. Cheaper startup costs allow more people to participate. There
> will be a faster cycle, from conception to success/failure. This leads
> to a more efficient Darwinian evolution, weeding out the weak,
> quickly. (note: failure itself is not a bad thing, it teaches valuable
> lessons that lead to success)
> Thus you build a healthy eco-system.
> How this will help government?
> ------------------------------
> I'll use a 'scenario' to illustrate:
> Min. of Health (it could be any other..) has a 'cloud' infra, based on
> OSS (e.g. OpenStack) and wants to explore some new solutions,
> computerization of the rapidly expanding 1Malaysa clinics...
>     They put out a RFP with the following terms:
>     - must use FOSS
>     - code that's implemented/deployed must be open-sourced
>       (not free, and IP rights belong to respective developers)
>     - based on open API and standards,
>         (for security and auhorization, for data storage
>          for data interchange, medical standars...)
>     - MOH to define the standards to use, requiremnts specs,
>       performance specs, etc... They should not define tools, ie:
>       what DB, what language...
>     - teams that accept the RFP, to put up a beta/prototype on a server
>     - infra will be provided, development servers/tools,
>        test servers - all based on MOH-cloud
>     (a small fee may be paid to development teams, or it can be made
>      into a competition. 200-300k for such a fee for a few million $
>      project is not unreasonble. A junket trip arranged by vendors to
>      'tour' overseas facilities would easily cost 100k plus! Which
>      the vendor already built into the final purchase price! )
>     What are the benefits:
>     ----------------------
>     - create/breed a rich ecosystem of developers/innovators based on
>        merits and capability
>     - open competition, many teams compete
>     - MOH gets to test and evaluate various products
>        and picks the ones that are most suitable and works.
>     - MOH can even 'mix-match' modules from the different competing
>        teams. Because everything is based on open standards, tools.
>        ie: Not difficult to port PHP/mySQL app to Python/Postgres
>        and vv. Or buld a higher level layer that consolidates data
>        into a big centralised database, for centralise reference
>        OLTP and reporting, letting the invidual apps' DB handle
>        transactional needs.
>        (A cost model will have to be determined for the above
>         methodology, not unsolvable among the OSS community.)
>     - deployment will be really easy, as it was developed on the
>       same infra,
>     - Procurement is simplified, no need for purchase of complex
>       configs, SW license/sizing. Just buy more storage, CPUs for
>       the cloud, standard items.
>     - Scale-up is a non-issue.
>     - Costs will be low, weed out 'lemons', things that don't
>        work before implementation (and fix them), not after.
> Is the above scenario too idealistic? Not really, its is doable, but
> it needs a serious change of mindset!
> There are still many 'holes' that need to be filled before the above
> scenario is workable,
> Care to discuss?,
> --
> #-------
> regds,
> Boh Heong, Yap
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