O | S | D | N               NEWSLETTER                           
    May 28, 2003                                      EVERYTHING SERIES  

      The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source    
      related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we    
    have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to 
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Sprint Moves Phone Network to IP

    [0]Ryan Barrett writes "Sprint announced that it has 'begun
    transforming its telephone network so voice calls are transmitted in
    packets.' [1]AP article here. Combined with a recent /. story about
    [2]Telus doing the same thing, this sets an interesting precedent. Many
    telcos already use packet-switching to handle a significant chunk of
    their calls. Is this the beginning of the end for circuit-switched
    0. http://ryan.barrett.name/
    1. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20030527/D7R9PM7G0.html
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/05/27/1123232&tid=126

Simulation Of An Asteroid Impact In The Year 2880

    [0]JoeRobe writes "Researchers at UCSC have [1]simulated a possible
    outcome of an impact by asteroid 1950DA when it passes near us in the
    year 2880. Note that there is a 0.3% chance of impact during that
    encounter. In the event that it impacts in the Atlantic, they predict
    that the '60,000 megaton blast' would create 400 foot waves along the
    east coast. In addition to an assessment of the danger, their studies
    point out the resulting geologic features that we should be looking for
    now, which would indicate where and when such impacts have occured in
    the past." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.ucsc.edu/news_events/press_releases/text.asp?pid=355

Phoenix Unveils Anti-Theft BIOS

    linuxwrangler writes "According to articles at [0]PC World, [1]c|net,
    [2]Internet Week and [3]elsewhere, Phoenix Technology is introducing a
    new BIOS-based anti-theft system. Every time a TheftGuard equipped
    machine connects to the internet it pings a server at Phoenix which can
    instruct the machine to wipe its hard drive, report its location or
    disable itself. Given that most people don't want to have their every
    movement tracked and don't want someone else to have the power to wipe
    their drives, Phoenix figures that corporate clients are the prime
    customer. I just wonder who is liable when a company sells a surplus
    laptop on eBay but gets their inventory control screwed up and reports
    it as stolen..." 
    0. http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,110883,00.asp
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1046_3-1009807.html
    2. http://www.internetwk.com/breakingNews/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=10100307

MS Tweaks Ill-Received Licensing Plan

    ahooton writes "[0]C|Net is [1] reporting that [2]Microsoft has updated
    it's [3] Software Assurance licensing program. The company has admitted
    that it's initial approach angered a large number of customers. No huge
    difference in pricing or terms -- changes are comprised of bundling
    some training and support. The one interesting concession is that
    corporate licensees of Microsoft Office can now use that suite on a
    home computer as well." What a concession. ([4]Paddo points to this
    similar [5]article on Australian IT via [6]News.com.au.) 
    0. http://www.cnet.com/
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1012_3-1010162.html?part=dtx&tag=ntop
    2. http://www.microsoft.com/
    3. http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/Default.asp
    4. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    5. http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,6502118%255E15306,00html
    6. http://www.news.com.au/

The Anti-Spam Research Group's Plan for Spam

    egoff writes "Speaking of [0]standards, the [1]ASRG, a member of the
    [2]IETF, has a plan for "consent-based communications." Among the
    suggestions, according to [3]Internet Week, are authentication services
    for falsified addresses, trusted senders, reputation systems (karma?),
    opt-out tools, best practices for challenge/response, and even a
    proposal for micropayments on unwanted mail. Instead of defining spam,
    the ASRG wants to provide administrators and users the tools necessary
    to avoid what they consider to be unwanted. One of the tools,
    [4]Reverse MX, is expected to be in place in several months. It would
    allow the receiving mail server to query a domain to determine if the
    sending server is allowed to send on its behalf." 
    0. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/05/27/1422200&tid=126
    1. http://www.irtf.org/asrg/
    2. http://www.irtf.org/
    3. http://www.internetweek.com/security02/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=10100236
    4. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-danisch-dns-rr-smtp-01.txt

Underground DC Developers Strike Back: Feet of Fury

    [0]frohike writes "After reading the recent [1]article about game
    non-originality, I'm pleased to say that there's another entry to the
    Dreamcast's innovative game lineup, and this time it isn't coming from
    one of the Big Publishers but the underground: [2]Feet of Fury! This
    independent music beat game includes player vs player gameplay and a
    Typing of Fury mode. It was developed by [0]us on a $0 budget using
    Linux, Gimp, and various other free tools over the past few years, and
    it uses the BSD-licensed [3]KallistiOS toolkit as its base. (This is
    the same toolkit which most homebrew developers have written the
    emulators and such with.) We've used a number of neat free software
    technologies such as [4]Ogg Vorbis in the game itself, and we
    contribute a large chunk of our code back to the community in the hopes
    that others can follow in our footsteps. There is even a [5]publisher
    ready to help you get your ideas to fruition and sell them for you, so
    what are you waiting for? Now's your chance to be a console developer
    too. Let's make some great new innovative Dreamcast games!" 
    0. http://www.cagames.com/
    1. http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/05/27/1758210&tid=127
    2. http://www.feetoffury.com/
    3. http://gamedev.allusion.net/
    4. http://www.xiph.org/
    5. http://www.goatstore.com/

DVD Recording - Is There a Winner Yet?

    Rob writes "Ok, so I've finally gotten my TiVo configured to let me
    extract and archive video, now I'm wondering what is my best solution?
    I currently have a CDR that I've been able to use to save both VCD and
    SVCD. Unfortunately I have a very old DVD player that will only play
    VCD's. So I decided that it's time to look at recording to DVD, but
    what is the right answer? Has any format won? I just got back from
    Fry's and I could get either -R/-RW or +R/+RW and there were even
    drives that did all of the formats. This is all well and good, since
    I'll have to buy a new DVD player to play any of them, but which format
    is most widely accepted? Even if I get a drive that will record in any
    format what do most DVD players accept? Sure I can make sure that my
    DVD player will play whatever format I produce but what about my
    parents and friends?" 

Apple Updates, Cripples iTunes

    [0]squiggleslash writes "Apple has issued an update to iTunes 4, iTunes
    4.0.1. It can be downloaded via Software Update. The big change seems
    to be that iTunes will now only stream music to other Macs on the same
    subnet. This is presumably a response to people publishing public lists
    of shared iTunes playlists, though it does mean that anyone wanting to
    stream music from home to work or vice versa is SOL. Oh well." You
    can't share between 4.0 and 4.0.1 iTunes, so be careful in updating.
    AppleScript access to shared playlist tracks is fixed, though. Woop
    0. http://slashdot.org/~squiggleslash/

Buying Computing by the Computon

    [0]theodp writes "Seeking to emulate the pricing models utilities use
    to charge customers for kilowatt-hours of electricity based on the ebb
    and flow of power demand, HP Researchers have come up with a new
    unit-of-computing metric, [1]the Computon, which is not to be confused
    with the 'Power Unit' and 'Service Unit' pricing metrics from Sun and
    IBM. [2]California, here we come!" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/power.crisis/backgrounder.html

AirTraf 802.11b Security Package

    An anonymous reader writes "Being ignorant of network vulnerabilities
    is [0]a happy condition for only so long. Ignorance is bliss, right up
    until someone with rogue access drives away with your company secrets.
    This article covers information about AirTraf, an open source package,
    which performs a number of tasks, such as determining the Service Set
    Identifier of the access points, and the channel it is operating under.
    It can tell how many wireless nodes are connected to a given access
    point, as well as that point's total load. AirTraf is capable, too, of
    polling a number of sniffers through a central polling server in order
    to collect the most current information. The least of your fears should
    be the leeching of your Internet connectivity. Industrial espionage is
    a growing reality that you must confront." 

AdvanceMAME 0.69.0 

    AdvanceMAME is a port of the MAME and MESS emulators for arcade
    monitors, TVs, and PC monitors. 

alogg 1.3.3 

    alogg is a library which makes it easier to use Ogg/Vorbis streams with
    Allegro. It offers facilities to decode, stream, and encode Ogg/Vorbis
    streams, and integrates those facilities with Allegro's datafile and
    sample loading routines. alogg comes with a sample player, streamer,
    and encoder based on Allegro's sound routines. 

AmigaSHELL 2.3 

    AmigaSHELL makes your boring gray-on-black colored bash shell look like
    the Amiga(tm) command-line interface. It features blue, white, orange,
    and black colors and a nice informational bar at the top. 

Angelistic 1.5 

    Angelistic is a light theme that uses the Mist engine. 

Ansel 1.4 

    Ansel is a picture gallery for web sites. It is a high quality,
    information-rich photo gallery, designed to handle large numbers of
    images and albums. It stores all its images in a database, making it
    both fast and flexible. Ansel is similar in spirit to Shutterfly and
    Yahoo pictures, but does not place restrictions on image size. 

avidemux 2.0.4 (Development)

    Avidemux is a graphical tool to edit video. It can open AVI, MPEG,
    Nuppelvideo and BMPs. Most common codecs are supported (M-JPEG, MPEG,
    DivX, Xvid, huffyuv, WMA, etc.) thanks to libavcodec. Video can be
    edited, cut, appended, filtered (resize/crop/denoise), and re-encoded
    to either AVI (DivX/Xvid) or MPEG 1/2. 

Axios 1.21 

    Axios is a port of the theme of the same name to Enlightenment. It was
    originally created by Gear and Allout. 

bash programmable completion 20030527 (Stable)

    Since v2.04, bash has allowed you to intelligently program and extend
    its standard completion behavior to achieve complex command lines with
    just a few keystrokes. Imagine typing ssh [Tab] and being able to
    complete on hosts from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts files. Or typing man 3
    str [Tab] and getting a list of all string handling functions in the
    UNIX manual. mount system: [Tab] would complete on all exported
    file-systems from the host called system, while make [Tab] would
    complete on all targets in Makefile. This project was conceived to
    produce programmable completion routines for the most common Linux/UNIX
    commands, reducing the amount of typing sysadmins and programmers need
    to do on a daily basis. 

bidwatcher 1.3.8 

    Bidwatcher is for eBay users. It tracks your current bids and listings,
    and has an integrated snipe tool. You can run bidwatcher in the
    background and it periodically checks your auctions status, and
    executes any bids that are scheduled. 

BoPHP 0.11 

    BoPHP is a Web interface for bossogg that uses PHP and its built-in XML

Calendrian 0.23.1 

    Calendrian is an enhanced calendar application for the Agenda VR3 Linux
    PDA. It is a lot faster than the original schedule application, and it
    has multiple alarms, free alarm intervals, and faster navigation. 

Code striker 1.7.2 

    Codestriker is a Perl CGI script that is used for performing code
    reviews in a collaborative fashion, as opposed to using patches sent in
    unstructured emails. Authors create code review topics, and the
    nominated reviewers are automatically notified by email. Reviewers can
    view the proposed diff in colored-diff mode, and can also view the
    original and new files that comprise the review in their entirety when
    Codestriker is linked with CVS or Subversion. Comments are made on a
    per-line basis, and comments submitted by the other reviewers can be
    viewed as they are created. Emails are sent to the appropriate parties
    when comments are created. The author is free to submit comments
    against the review comments. The end result is a structured set of
    review comments instead of a pile of unstructured emails. Codestriker
    also features the ability to search over existing topics in a variety
    of ways. 

Common UNIX Printing System 1.1.19 

    CUPS provides a portable printing layer for Unix(r)-based operating
    systems. It has been developed to promote a standard printing solution
    for all Unix vendors and users. CUPS provides the System V and Berkeley
    command line interfaces, and uses the Internet Printing Protocol
    ("IPP") as the basis for managing print jobs and queues. The
    Line Printer Daemon (LPD) Server Message Block (SMB), and AppSocket
    (a.k.a. JetDirect) protocols are also supported with reduced
    functionality. CUPS adds network printer browsing and PostScript
    Printer Description ("PPD") based printing options to support
    real world printing under UNIX. It includes an image file RIP that
    supports printing of image files to non-PostScript printers. A
    customized version of GNU Ghostscript 7.05 for CUPS called ESP
    Ghostscript is available separately to support printing of PostScript
    files within the CUPS driver framework. Sample drivers for Dymo, EPSON,
    HP, and OKIDATA printers are included that use these filters. 

Compiere 2.4.4c 

    Compiere is the Open Source ERP & CRM solution with first tier
    functionality for the small-medium enterprise. Designed for the global
    marketplace, Compiere is easy to install and implement. In contrast to
    other solutions, you will be able to enter invoices after about 4
    hours, without functionality compromises or irreversible implementation
    time decisions. 

conspy 1.0 

    Conspy allows a (possibly remote) user to see what is displayed on a
    Linux virtual console, and to send keystrokes to it. It only known to
    work with Linux. It is rather like VNC, but where VNC takes control of
    a GUI, conspy takes control of a text-mode virtual console. Unlike VNC,
    conspy does not require a server to be installed prior to being used. 

CRM114 Discriminator 2003-05-27 

    CRM114 is a Controllable Regex Mutilator and Smart Filter, designed for
    easy creation of filters for things like incoming email redirection,
    spam filtering, system logs, or monitoring processes. Filtering rules
    can be either hard-coded (such as regexes), soft-coded (calculated at
    runtime or read from an external file or process), or learned
    dynamically by phrase matching (by SBPH hashing). This makes it
    possible to create very accurate filters with very little actual work.
    Accuracies over 99.9% are achievable. 

CryptoHeaven 2.2.5 

    CryptoHeaven offers secure email and online file sharing/storage. Its
    main features are secure and highly encrypted services such as group
    collaboration, file sharing, email, online storage, and instant
    messaging. It integrates multi-user based security into email, instant
    messaging, and file storage and sharing in one unique package. It
    provides real time communication for text and data transfers in a
    multi-user secure environment. The security and usability of
    CryptoHeaven is well-balanced; even the no-so-technically oriented
    computer users can enjoy this crypto product with very high level of

Crystal Mud Client 0.2.1 

    Crystal is an adequate MUD client. At first glance it looks like
    telnet, but has full line editing and scrollback, character set
    conversion support, Unicode support, prompt grabbing, xterm titlebar
    setting, and windowsize negotiation. It even supports MCCP
    (compression) and telnet-over-SSL. It's got support for a decent subset
    of ANSI, and properly ignores things it doesn't recognize. 

cvsplot 1.7.1 

    Cvsplot is a Perl script which analyzes the history of a CVS-managed
    project. The script executes on a set of files, analyzes their history,
    and automatically generates graphs that plot lines of code, number of
    files, and user contributions against time. It supports both UNIX and
    Windows environments. 

Darik's Boot and Nuke 1.0.0 

    Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN) is a self-contained boot floppy that
    securely wipes the hard disks of most computers. DBAN will
    automatically and completely delete the contents of any hard disk that
    it can detect, which makes it an appropriate utility for bulk or
    emergency data destruction. 

DBMonster 0.3.4 (Development)

    DBMonster is a tool which helps database application developers with
    tuning the structure of the database, tuning the usage of indexes, and
    testing the application performance under heavy database load.
    DBMonster generates as much random data as you wish and puts it into an
    SQL database. It provides a very pluggable interface and is trivial to

denature 0.6.5 

    denature uses several Perl modules and the fop utility to convert an
    HTML file to PDF. It has the beginnings of CSS support, and handles
    several HTML tags. 

distcc 2.5 

    distcc is a parallel build system that distributes compilation of
    C/C++/ObjC code across machines on a network. It can be set up in just
    a few minutes and makes builds up to ten times faster. It does not
    require machines to share a filesystem or have the same libraries or
    header files, and installation does not need superuser privileges. 

feh 1.2.6 

    feh is a fast, lightweight image viewer which uses imlib2. It is
    commandline-driven and supports multiple images through slideshows,
    thumbnail browsing or multiple windows, and montages or index prints
    (using truetype fonts to display file info). Advanced features include
    fast dynamic zooming, progressive loading, loading via HTTP (with
    reload support for watching webcams), recursive file opening (slideshow
    of a directory hierarchy), and mousewheel/keyboard control. 

Firewall Builder 1.0.10 

    Firewall Builder consists of a GUI and set of policy compilers for
    various firewall platforms. It helps users maintain a database of
    objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop
    operations. The GUI and policy compilers are completely independent,
    and support for a new firewall platform can be added to the GUI without
    any changes to the program (only a new policy compiler is needed). This
    provides for a consistent abstract model and the same GUI for different
    firewall platforms. It currently supports iptables, ipfilter, and
    OpenBSD pf. 

FUDforum 2.5.0RC3 (Development)

    FUDforum is templatable forum with i18n support based on PHP and either
    MySQL or PostgreSQL. It features a user/group management system, a
    multi-lingual spell checker, both flat and thread message views, a
    private messaging system with mult-iuser forwarding capabilities, poll
    file attachments, and much more. It is an extremely fast and scalable
    forum that can fulfill the needs of both small and large forum

gEDA 20030525 

    gEDA is a GPLed toolset to aid electronic design. Currently it consists
    of a schematic capture program, a netlist generator, a symbol checker,
    and a bunch of utilities. The initial goals are to satisfy the
    electronic hobbyist needs, but the usefulness of gEDA does not have
    stop there. gEDA has the future potential to be used for serious EDA

GenChemLab 0.3 

    GenChemLab is an OpenGL-based application intended to simulate several
    common general chemistry laboratory exercises. It is meant to be used
    to help students prepare for actual lab experience. Supported
    experiments include titration, calorimetry, freezing point depression,
    and spectrophotometry. 

Geo::Weather 1.3 

    Geo::Weather is a Perl module used to retrieve weather.com information
    based on city/state or US zip code. 

Ghronos 1.7 

    Ghronos is a gaming clock mostly intended for chess and go. Features
    include hard button control for that "real chess clock" feel,
    selectable timing styles including Fischer and delay timing for chess,
    Canadian and Japanese byo-yomi timing for go, a standard countdown
    style, "black moves first" and "white moves first"
    options, sequential and per-player move counting, optional sound, the
    ability to pause, an easy-to-read display (with big numbers), simple
    configuration, protection against accidental misconfiguration during
    game play, and persistent settings. 

GNUstep 1.7.0 (LaunchPad)

    GNUstep is a set of general-purpose Objective-C libraries based on the
    OpenStep standard developed by NeXT (now Apple) Inc. The libraries
    consist of everything from foundation classes, such as dictionaries and
    arrays, to GUI interface classes such as windows, sliders, buttons,

Hell World 0.1.4 

    Hell World is a thrilling FPS adventure game which features excellent
    graphics, a dark atmosphere and an excellent scenario. It is designed
    to be a port of the Windows-only version of Hell World. 

host 20030527 

    Host is a complete and powerful command-line based DNS query and
    testing tool. It has many of the same basic features as other similar
    tools such as nslookup and dig, but it has more extensive testing and
    test automation features. Host also has a much more standard (i.e.
    Unix-based) command-line user interface. 

HTTPCapture 0.4 

    HttpCapture is a core wrapper around the packet-capture library pcap
    and a framework for building plugins to filter, analyse, or display
    interesting network packets. The details of the packets and their
    contents are left to a collection of plugins to process, making it a
    simple matter to add a new decoding and display target. 

iBackup 2.27 

    ibackup lets you automate (with cron) the backup of system
    configurations. It is easy to extend it for your systems and adapt to
    your needs. It supports exclude lists, upload, and encryption of your
    backups. It also comes with a sysconf script to make a report about a

IBGS 0.1 

    IBGS is a game server for board games such as chess, go, checkers, and
    nine nens morris. Data about players and games are stored in an SQL
    database. Goals are extensible and maintainable, and the FICS protocol
    is supported for compatibility with frontends such as xboard. 

iChatExporter 0.1 

    iChatExporter extends functionality in iChat so you can export any
    real-time or saved chat conversation into a text file. This is a
    feature of most modern AIM clients that is sorely missing in iChat. 

Install-Sendmail 6.0 

    Install-Sendmail will configure Sendmail and Fetchmail on your machine.
    This Perl script can be used to setup a mail server for a simple
    network or it can configure email on a dial up machine. All you need to
    know is your email address, login name and password and optionally, the
    IP addresses of your network. 

IP Masquerade HOWTO 2.00.052603 

    The IP Masquerade HOWTO is the document that contains instructions on
    understanding, configuring, and troubleshooting NAT or Network Address
    Translation for Linux. It covers topics such as IPTABLES, PORTFW,
    IPCHAINS, IPFWADM, stronger packet firewalls, multiple network
    segments, and configuring many client operating systems. It also has an
    extensive FAQ and troubleshooting section. 

IP Sentinel 0.4 

    IP Sentinel is a tool that tries to prevent unauthorized usage of IP
    addresses within an ethernet broadcast domain by answering ARP
    requests. After receiving faked replies, requesting parties store the
    MAC in their ARP tables and will send future packets to this invalid
    MAC, rendering the IP unreachable. 

Jabber Gadu-Gadu Transport 2.0.5 

    The Jabber Gadu-Gadu transport provides Gadu-Gadu protocol support
    (which is a very popular proprietary instant messaging protocol in

JTetrisPlugin 1.1.0 

    JTetrisPlugin is a Tetris plugin for the Eclipse IDE, similar to the
    Tetris Plugin for XEmacs. 

Just For Fun Network Management System 0.7.2 (Stable)

    Just For Fun Network Management System is a PHP-based network
    management system that features an integrated syslog, Tacacs, TFTP
    configuration downloading, SNMP polling, SNMP traps, journalling,
    auto-discovery, performance graphs (RRD), SLAs, and a lot more. It uses
    MySQL or PostgreSQL as the backend and works under Linux and Windows. 

Kernel Mode Linux 2.5.70_001 (For Linux 2.5)

    Kernel Mode Linux is a technology which enables the execution of user
    programs in a kernel mode. In Kernel Mode Linux, user programs can
    access kernel address space directly. Unlike kernel modules, user
    programs are executed as ordinary processes (except for their privilege
    level), so scheduling and paging are performed as usual. Although it
    seems dangerous, the safety of the kernel can be ensured through such
    methods as static type checking, software fault isolation, and so

kggs 1.0 

    kggs is a KDE interface for playing reversi. It is designed to play
    online, on the GGS (Generic Game Server), the server for Othello,
    Amazons, Checkers, Go, Hex, Chess, Dots+Boxes, Domineering, and Ataxx.
    It implements chat and Othello. It will be a alternative for lion (the
    Windows client) and GGSA (the Java interface). The program has been
    designed to be easy and intuitive to use, and other games should also
    be easy to implement. 

KmusicdB 0.11.0 

    KmusicdB is a music information manager for KDE, using PostgreSQL as a
    backend. You can add your music collection to the database, and view it
    in a convenient browser. It currently supports the ability to add and
    edit artists, add and edit titles (with album pictures), and a track
    editor. The ability to generate reports and statistics, and also to
    search the database is implemented, as well as creating and opening,
    backing up and restoring databases. It is highly customizable, and
    fast. CDDB functionality has also been implemented. 

Kraken 1.0.9 

    Kraken is a small Python application for managing documents, Web pages,
    and directories. It also allows users to annotate these files with
    metadat, perform complex queries about these annotations, and to
    present the result of these queries in the form of HTML pages. The
    format of annotations is RDF, thus the annotation files can be easily
    parsed by third party applications. 

KRconLinux 0.1RC1 

    KRconLinux is a KDE tool for querying and managing game servers like
    Half-Life mods (Counter Strike, Dod, etc.), Quake series, and more. It
    features a console to send rcon commands, a server log receiver, an
    (incomplete) IRC bot to monitor the games, and a chat console to
    interact with the players inside the game. It is capable of listing the
    available server maps and changing them, establishing server settings
    via configuration files, changing the current server password, updating
    and modifying the server ban list, kicking and banning players, and
    changing server variables. 

lamprop 1.0.0 

    lamprop calculates some properties of fiber-reinforced composite
    laminates. It calculates engineering properties like Ex, Ey, Gxy,
    thermal properties CTE_x and CTE_y, physical properties like density
    and laminate thickness, and stiffness and compliance matrices. 

Linux X10 Universal Device Driver 1.6.4 (Linux-2.4.x)

    This project provides a /dev interface to an X10 network through Linux
    kernel modules. It is intended to provide a standard interface and
    syntax to shell script utilities (such as cat and echo), Perl scripts,
    C programs, or Java programs so that everything from a quick hack to a
    more advanced program can manipulate the X10 devices in an automated
    home regardless of the transceiver used. Its simplest use is with shell
    scripts (examples of which are provided in the package). Currently the
    project supports the 4 main X10 transceivers (PowerLinc Serial,
    PowerLinc USB, CM11A, and Firecracker/CM17A). 

M.E.S.H. 1.10 

    MESH (Measuring Error between Surfaces using the Hausdorff distance) is
    a tool that measures distortion between two discrete surfaces
    (triangular meshes). It uses the Hausdorff distance to compute a
    maximum, mean, and root-mean-square errors between two given surfaces.
    Besides providing figures, MESH can also display the error values on
    the surface itself through a GUI (Qt-based). 

man-pages-ja 20030525 

    man-pages-ja is a comprehensive collection of Japanese man pages for
    Linux. It contains Japanese version of LDP man-pages, man pages for GNU
    tools, and ones for various opensource applications. 

maxcpu 1.01 

    maxcpu is a Perl script that executes a queue of command lines read
    from STDIN on as many available CPUs as possible. 

Media Mate 0.9.3 

    Media Mate is a modular, personal media library for the Web. It
    supports user logins with different permissions, CSS themes, and
    translations. The included Movies Module allows you to store
    information on your movies and track who's borrowed them. It has
    automatic entry using the Internet Movie Database, movie reservations,
    and overdue notifications. 

Modeling Framework 0.9pre8 

    Modeling Framework fills the gap between the Python object world and
    relational databases in that it allows users to transparently create,
    retrieve, update, or delete Python objects from a database without
    having to write a single line of SQL. Main features include generation
    of database schema, generation of Python code templates ready to be
    used, support for transparent mapping of (class) inheritance in
    relational databases, object-oriented query language, use of standard
    Python getters to traverse relationships (the related objects are
    automatically fetched when needed and when appropriate), and automatic
    checking for referential-integrity constraints, etc. Supported
    databases are PostgreSQL and MySQL. 

motion 3.0.6 

    motion uses a video4linux device for detecting movement. It makes
    snapshots of the movement which can be converted to MPEG movies in
    realtime (or later for low CPU usage), making it usable as an
    observation or security system. It can take actions like sending out
    email and SMS messages when detecting motion. 

msulogin 0.9.1 

    msulogin is the single-user mode login program used to force the
    console user to login under a root account before a shell is started.
    Unlike other implementations of sulogin, this one supports having
    multiple root accounts on a system. msulogin has been developed as a
    part of Openwall GNU/*/Linux and is being made available separately
    primarily for use by other distributions. Currently, msulogin supports
    only systems with getspnam(3). 

Muttprint 0.71 

    Muttprint formats the printing of Mutt and other mail clients like
    XFMail or PINE to be like the printing of Netscape Messenger. It can
    print a little penguin on the first page and a headline on every page. 

mysqlSendmail 1.1 

    mysqlSendmail is software for automated Sendmail management. It
    features virtusertable management for multiple domains, a built-in
    scoreboard signature-based anti-spam system, and full support for
    managing POP3 users and their quotas. It has tie-ins for both
    SMTP-after-POP and SMTP-after-AUTH (see mysqlRadius) via a modified
    Cistron 1.6.6 radiusd and qpopper 4.0.4. It is part of the mysqlISP
    suite of GPL ISP management tools. It can manage 1 or hundreds of
    sendmail servers, for up to thousands of domains. Third party template
    driven wrappers are also available for a complete ISP
    customer/product/service/billing solution. 

netclasses 0.999 

    Netclasses is an easy to use interface to socket programming in
    Objective-C with GNUstep. The core netclasses supports virtually any
    protocol, but the distribution comes with everything needed for TCP/IP
    (opening ports, background connections, etc.). Netclasses seamlessly
    integrates into NSRunLoop, which means there should be no need for
    redesigning applications to use it. 

nwload 0.2d 

    nwload is a graphical traffic monitor that is similar to gkrellm and
    xisdnload, but offers additional operational parameters and display
    formatting options. It works with any networking device and supports a
    broad range of speed and sample rates. 

OProfile 0.5.3 

    OProfile is a low-overhead, transparent profiler for Linux. It is
    capable of instruction-grain profiling of all processes, shared
    libraries, the kernel, and device drivers, via the hardware performance

Petal 0.61.0beta 

    Petal helps maintain the owner, group, and mode on trees of files by
    recalling this information from a configuration file. In turn, this
    allows system administrators to separate the publication of files (e.g.
    pulling system configurations from a change management system) from
    their presentation (tweaking the owner/group/mode to satisfaction). If
    recursive chown/chmod commands provide inadequate precision for your
    needs, Petal may be the tool for you. 

phpFriendlyAdmin 1.0 

    phpFriendlyAdmin is a remote database management package made
    specifically for Web developers who want to ease an audience into the
    world of content management. It features support for 10 major databases
    (including MySQL), user management, and plugins for additional backend

phpMyCatalog 0.4.1 

    phpMyCatalog is a program to catalog the contents of CDs, DVDs, or just
    directories on a hard drive automatically. It stores the data in a
    MySQL database, from which users can search for specific files or other
    contents to locate documents, music, programs, etc. 

PHPRecipeBook 2.05 

    PHPRecipeBook is a Web-based cookbook with the ability to create
    shopping lists from recipes selected. The lists can be saved and later
    reloaded and edited. The shopping list also attempts to combine similar
    items so that duplication does not occur. 

Picalo 0.10 

    Picalo Fraud and Auditing Analysis Software is an open source
    application that helps fraud investigators and auditors search through
    data sets for anomalies, trends, and other information. It has much of
    the functionality of Audit Command Language (ACL) and IDEA. In many
    ways, Picalo goes one step beyond these packages because it includes
    trending and analysis routines and not just data manipulation routines. 

Portable Coroutine Library 1.1 

    This is a Portable Coroutine Library implementation written in ANSI C.
    Coroutines can be used to implement cooperative threading among many
    tasks without overloading the OS with threads/processes. Since context
    switch between coroutines is very fast, certain applications might have
    performance gain in using this type of threading. 

Prince 2.0 

    Prince is a batch formatter for converting XML into PDF and PostScript
    by applying Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). It prints any XML document,
    with special support for XHTML, DocBook, and SVG, which can be used in
    combination with other XML languages. 

Python-LDAP 2.0.0pre12 

    python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory
    servers from Python programs. It wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs for that

qmail Lazydog 1.4 2003/05/27 (Stable)

    qmail Lazydog (previously known as Big Q) is an installation script for
    Linux that installs qmail 1.03 with some patches like the qmail-queue
    patch (for virus scanners), TLS patch (to enable secure SMTP), SMTP
    auth, oversized DNS patch, glibc patch, tarpit support, regex support,
    big concurrency, maildir++ , vpopmail for virtual domain management,
    autorespond, courier-IMAP, the ezmlm/idx mailing list manager,
    qmailadmin and vqadmin Web administration tools, and more. 

Read it to Me 1.0 

    Read it to Me creates a playlist of MP3 files in iTunes from unread
    items in NetNewsWire using Apple's Text- to-Speech that can then be
    synced to an iPod. 

Retro Native Forth Release 6 (Build 7) (RETRO6)

    Retro is a clean, usable Forth-based operating system. It attempts to
    be a simpler and easier-to-use alternative to more complex operating

rfbplaymacro 0.2.1 (Stable)

    rfbplaymacro lets you send keyboard/mouse events to a VNC server, using
    a script file. The companion program rfbproxy can record scripts for
    rfbplaymacro to use. 

ROCK Linux 2.0.0-beta3 (Development)

    ROCK Linux is a distribution build kit for creating Linux
    distributions. You can easily design and build your own distribution by
    choosing packages, compilers, and optimization options, and optionally
    enable the GCC Stack-Smashing Protector for enhanced security. It is
    also possible to choose custom configure options, cross-compile, and
    much more. Many specialized targets (customized distributions) have
    already been created, such as a Desktop, Router, or Minimal
    distribution. A variety of architectures are supported. 

SeekLeech 1.0 

    SeekLeech is a Java console application which searches for files in
    Apache directory indexes through Google. 

Simkin 1.26 

    Simkin is a scripting language for Java/XML. Simkin is designed to let
    your users control all or part of your Java application. They write
    scripts in a very simple scripting language which can be embedded in
    XML. The scripts can call down into the API you've exposed from your
    Java classes. You write the mechanism, your users write the policy. 

Simkin for C++ 2.20 

    Simkin is a simple scripting language that can be used to customize C++
    applications such as games. Scripts can be embedded within files such
    as XML or in databases. 

Space Hulk 1.4.1 

    Space Hulk is a board game which takes place in the world of Warhammer
    40000. It is a two player turn-based game where one player plays the
    'Marine', and the other player plays the alien called 'Genestealer'.
    This video game is a complete conversion of the board game with the 2nd
    edition rules. It features playing over the network, either in real
    time or asynchronously via email. 

swaret 1.2.2 (Stable)

    swaret lets you keep your Slackware system up to date. It functions
    similarly to apt-get, the Debian package manager. 

swpkg 0.10 

    swpkg is a collection of small tools which allow a system administrator
    to build, install, and maintain software packages on a system. It is
    based on a fairly simple philosophy intended to simplify the management
    of third party software and their inter-dependencies. 

Sylpheed 0.9.1 (Main)

    Sylpheed is a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast email client. Almost
    all commands are accessible with the keyboard. It also has many
    features such as multiple accounts, POP3/APOP support, thread display,
    and multipart MIME. One of Sylpheed's future goals is to be fully
    internationalized. The messages are managed in the MH format, so you'll
    be able to use it together with another mailer that uses the MH format. 

TalkSoup 0.80 

    TalkSoup is a GNUstep IRC client built on the extensibility of the
    Objective-C language. The entire IRC client is implemented by plugins,
    so one can pick and choose what they want to use. 

tclwebtest 0.3 

    tclwebtest is a tool to write automated tests for Web applications. It
    provides a simple API for issuing HTTP requests, dealing with the
    result, and assuming specific response values, while taking care of the
    details such as redirects and cookies. It has some basic HTML parsing
    functionality, to provide access to elements of the result HTML page
    that are needed for testing (mainly links and forms). 

The Circle 0.35 

    The Circle is a peer-to-peer application that provides file sharing,
    instant messaging, and news services. Its novel feature is that while
    it is fully decentralized, the method it uses to search for files and
    people theoretically scales to millions or billions of users. Advanced
    features include the ability to download a file from multiple sources
    simulataneously, the ability to send messages to people who are not
    currently online, and the ability to generate a customized news service
    by specifying trusted sources of news. 

The Traverser 1.0 

    The Traverser is a free software package that can cut database
    application development time in half. By using a naming convention on
    foreign keys, users can link together all the tables in a database
    without programming, allowing developers to concentrate on business
    rules and other custom modifications. 

tileFoundry 0.1beta 

    tileFoundry is an isometric map editor that is being developed for a
    game. It reads and writes XML files, uses PNGs for tiles, and has been
    developed with a focus on ease of use. It features a GTK 2 GUI and uses
    SDL for the map engine. 

transcode 0.6.6 

    transcode is a text console video-stream processing tool. It supports
    elementary video and audio frame transformations. Some example modules
    are included to enable import of MPEG-1/2, Digital Video, and other
    formats. It also includes export modules for writing to AVI files with
    DivX, OpenDivX, XviD, Digital Video or other codecs. Direct DVD
    transcoding is also supported. A set of tools is available to extract
    and decode the sources into raw video/audio streams for import and to
    enable post-processing of AVI files. 

Unix Distributed Database 1.8.25 

    The udb project provides replication of database transactions,
    operating system files, and operating system commands to servers
    distributed in a wide-area-network. A database abstraction layer
    provides a common application interface and uniform access to data in a
    variety of file formats and databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL,
    Oracle, Berkely db, xBase, fixed length, and UNIX character delimited
    files. APIs are provided for C, PHP, and the UNIX shell. 

Uptime Client 5.0b8 

    Uptime Client is a little program that keeps track of your uptime and
    sends it to a server where you can compare it to many other hosts and
    browse through various statistical information. 

Varuna2Palm 1.2 

    Varuna2Palm is a project that automatically converts a Varuna schedule
    into Palm datebook and vcal formats. 

viPlugin 0.0.1 

    viPlugin is an Eclipse plugin that adds vi functionality to the editors
    that are provided with Eclipse (JDT, CDT, ...). 

Virtual Universe / Virtual Worlds 0.25 

    VU/VW is a 3D cyberspace which offers more possibilities than just
    chat: it is a combination of the Web, chat, and instant messaging
    within a realistic, three-dimensional cyberspace. Here people can meet,
    interact with each other, and build houses and whole worlds. The
    Virtual Universe is a virtual reality environment which runs on top of
    the Internet. 

WebMySQL 2.1 

    WebMySQL is a Web interface to a MySQL database server. It supports the
    following SQL queries: SELECT, DESCRIBE, JOIN, SHOW, DROP TABLE /
    DATABASE, CREATE, and USE, and advanced query options such as LIMIT,
    DISTINCT, and GROUP. It has a fully customisable look and feel, and
    outputs either HTML results or a downloadable CSV file. 

WebTime 0.1.0 

    WebTime is a project analysis and control system. It allows one to
    manage users with profiles, projects, tasks, and clients. 

Xrefactory 1.6.0 (Stable)

    Xrefactory is a refactoring browser for Emacs, XEmacs, and jEdit which
    provides multiple project support, a source browser, intellisense code
    completion, refactorings for safe symbol renaming, parameter
    manipulations, function/method extraction, field encapsulation, and the
    ability to move fields, methods, classes, etc. It is based on full
    pre-processing, parsing, and static analysis of sources. It works for
    the C and Java languages, and contains a stand-alone cross referencer,
    and a generator for HTML documentation. 

Yample 0.11 

    Yample is a processing language for email. It sorts for email based on
    criteria you define. It can deliver email to Unix mailboxes (MBOX),
    Maildirs (used by Courier IMAP and others), or pipes. It is

Zabbix 1.0beta9 (Development)

    Zabbix is software that monitors your servers and applications. Polling
    and trapping techniques are both supported. It has a simple, yet very
    flexible notification mechanism, and a Web interface that allows quick
    and easy administration. It can be used for logging, monitoring,
    capacity planning, availability and performance measurement, and
    providing the latest information to a helpdesk. 

Zero Install 0.1.8 

    The Zero Install system removes the need to install software or
    libraries by running all programs from a network filesystem. The
    filesystem in question is the Internet as a whole, with an aggressive
    caching system to make it as fast as (or faster than) traditional
    systems such as Debian's APT repository, and to allow for offline use.
    It doesn't require any central authority to maintain it, and allows
    users to run software without needing a root password. 

Newsforge Reports
Replacing MS Exchange with Bynari

    - By Robin 'Roblimo' Miller - The company's Web site says, "Bynari
    makes a Linux email server and components that connects to Outlook
    clients using our own unique middleware called the Connector. The
    current products are the Insight Family of messaging services
    consisting of Linux based Mail Server, InsightConnector, and the LDAP
    Client. Bynari utilizes an open standards model for its mail and
    messaging server and supports, not only the Intel ... 

Setting up SuSE for wireless networking

    - by Lee Schlesinger - I was excited to set up my brand-spanking-new
    copy of SuSE Linux Professional 8.2 on a machine I'm planning to use
    for testing and review. Everything went smoothly except for
    installation of the Orinoco Silver PC Card network adapter. Several
    hours and unsuccessful tacks later, I can claim victory, and maybe save
    you time if you tackle the same task. 

Happy Memorial Day

    May 26 is the U.S, Memorial Day holiday. All we're doing today is
    posting a few NewsVac items. We'll be back tomorrow, May 27, with our
    usual fare. See you then! 

Newsforge Newsvac
Grid computing Video

    Anonymous Reader writes "Are you still wondering what Grid computing is
    all about? I triple assure you that this Grid computing video will help
    you. Learn more about the Butterfly Gaming Grid and other real-life

The first OpenJay.org result: Jay'O'Rama

    Anonymous Reader writes "See the first public release of a new Open DJ
    oriented application: Jay'O'Rama. At the actual state it is a
    particular player of ogg and mp3 formats, but the main goal is to
    become a useful and powerful mixing DJ tool. See more at the homepage:

Apple's Web Browser Operating System?

    Eric Peterson writes "Is Apple following the same OS in a browser
    business model that Netscape built but never executed? Apple has the OS
    (OS X), the Browser (Safari), Power 4/5 970/980 (eventually) and
    iTunes: (the necessary Windows software to bundle the browser with)." 

   What if SCO wins?

     The SCO suit isn't the first legal challenge of an open source product
    by supposed owners of intellectual property used therein, but it is
    arguably the most important one. Linux is rapidly becoming the center
    of the Unix programming domain, and the number of companies adopting
    Linux and/or developing products for the platform grows by the day.
    Billions of dollars are at stake, as an entire industry has arisen
    around an operating system that ... 

   India urged to take 'Open source' road

    In an ongoing battle between proprietary and open source software,
    experts of open source software today said India must move towards
    adopting open source as it is affordable. 

HP's Linux Laptops Prove Popular

    NZheretic writes "Demand for the low-cost PCs, available in Thailand,
    is overwhelming." 

Servers to show modest growth

     Server sales are expected to return to modest growth by 2004 because
    of wider use of Linux and Windows, but the increase won't be enough to
    carry the bruised market to the level of its glory years of early 2000,
    IDC research shows. 

   Remote tool runs Mac and Linux clients

     Management tool vendor Vector Networks last week announced a new
    version of its remote-control module to support Linux and Macintosh
    clients as well as Windows. The move means that administrators can now
    manage a wider range of desktop clients from a single console. 

Is Global Linux IBM's Holy Grail?

     IBM is not the only company investing heavily in Linux' future, but
    Bill Claybrook, research director at Aberdeen Group, told the
    E-Commerce Times that it may be the one to beat before too long. 

ESR seeks information on nullifying of Unix trade secrets

     Well-known open source advocate Eric S. Raymond has set up a web page
    to seek information about how Unix trade secrets have been legally

Gadgets: Squid Light

Interests: Tempt me.

Interests: I'm blogging this.

Gadgets: USB Memory Watch

Cube Goodies: R/C Hovercraft

Caffeine: Octane Energy Gel

Gadgets: Yes Solstice

Computing: TouchStream LP ZeroForce Keyboard

Cube Goodies: Duct Tape Wallet

Computing: Ideazon Zboard

Gadgets: Inova X5 LED Flashlights

Computing: ICE-Cube Barebones Mini-PC

Tshirts: fork agent smith

Caffeine: Jo Mints w/Guarana

Tshirts: Follow the white rabbit.

Cube Goodies: Midnight blue 'geek.' glass

Tshirts: M.A.D.

Gadgets: USB Digital Voice Recorder

Caffeine: ThinkGeek 'Best Of' Caffeine Sampler v2.5

Caffeine: Case O' Cricket Cola

OggCarton Home Jukebox goes beta

    OggCarton is a cross-platform CD ripper, database, and web server for
    Ogg and MP3 files. OggCarton needs no external database or web server.
    With this release, the OggCarton Home Jukebox software moves from the
    alpha to the beta stage. Accordingly, binaries and installers for
    Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows are now available for those who prefer to
    not roll their own. Full source is still available for those who do.

Tcl/Tk 8.4.3 release

    Tool Command Language (Tcl) is an interpreted language and very
    portable interpreter for that language. Tcl is embeddable and
    extensible, and has been widely used since its creation in 1988 by John
    Ousterhout. The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 8.4.3 releases
    of the Tcl scripting language and the Tk toolkit. This is the third
    patch release of Tcl/Tk 8.4. Tcl/Tk 8.4.3 Release Announcement May 20,
    2003 The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 8.4.3 releases of the
    Tcl scripting language and the Tk toolkit. This is the third patch
    release of Tcl/Tk 8.4. More details can be found below. We would like
    to express our gratitude to all those who submit bug reports and
    patches. This information is invaluable in enabling us to identify and
    eliminate problems in the core. Where to get the new releases:
    ------------------------------ Tcl/Tk 8.4.3 sources are freely
    available as open source from the Tcl Developer Xchange web site at:
    http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/8.4.html This web page also contains
    additional information about the releases, including new features and
    notes about installing and compiling the releases. Sources are always
    available from the Tcl SourceForge project's file distribution area:
    http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10894 Windows,
    Linux, Solaris and HP-UX binaries are available from:
    http://www.activestate.com/Tcl For additional information:
    --------------------------- Please visit the Tcl Developer Xchange web
    site: http://www.tcl.tk/ This site contains a variety of information
    about Tcl/Tk in general, the core Tcl and Tk distributions, Tcl
    development tools, and much more. Thank you for your contributions:
    --------------------------------- As usual, this release includes
    contributions from the Tcl community. We have a page honoring these
    contributors at: http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/contributors.html
    Summary of Changes since Tcl/Tk 8.4.2:
    -------------------------------------- The following were the main
    changes in Tcl/Tk 8.4.3. A complete list can be found in the changes
    file at the root of the source tree. The more complete ChangeLog is
    also included with each source release. This is a patch release, so it
    primarily included bug fixes and corrections to erratic behavior. Below
    are only the most notable changes. * Correct case-insensitive unicode
    string comparison in Tcl_UniCharNcasecmp * Corrected loading of
    tclpip8x.dll on Win9x * Correct Tcl_SubstObj handling of \x00 bytes *
    Correct wide int issues in 'format' * Remove assumption that file times
    and longs are the same size * Allow Tcl to differentiate between
    reparse points which are symlinks and mounted drives on Windows * Bad
    command count on TCL_OUT_LINE_COMPILE * Store pointers to notifier
    funcs in a struct to work around some platform linker issues * Load
    correct (non-)debug dll for dde or registry * Fixing ObjMakeUpvar's
    lookup algorithm for the created local variable * Make sure that
    tclWideIntType is defined and somewhat sensible everywhere * Corrected
    inconsistent results of [string is integer] observed on systems where
    sizeof(long) != sizeof(int) * Substantial changes to the Windows clock
    synch phase-locked loop in a quest for improved loop stability * Made
    changes so that the "wideInt" Tcl_ObjType is defined on all platforms,
    even those where TCL_WIDE_INT_IS_LONG is defined. Also made the
    Tcl_Value struct have a wideValue field on all platforms. Potential
    incompatibility for TCL_WIDE_INT_IS_LONG platforms because that struct
    changes size *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** * Catch any errors
    returned by the Windows functions handling TLS ASAP instead of waiting
    to get some mysterious crash later on due to bogus pointers * Correct
    'glob -path {[tcl]} *', where leading special character instead lists
    files in '/'. Bug only occurs on Windows where '\' is also a directory
    separator. * Fixed memory leak in threaded allocator on Windows caused
    by treating cachePtr as a TLS index * Ensure cd is thread-safe *
    Correct mem leak on closing a Windows serial port * Prevent string
    repeat crash when overflow sizes were given * Worked around the issue
    of realpath() not being thread-safe on Mac OS X by defining NO_REALPATH
    for threaded builds on Mac OS X * Correct handling of the gb2312
    encoding by making it an alias of the euc-cn encoding and creating a
    gb2312-raw encoding for the original. Most uses of gb2312 really mean
    euc-cn. * Corrected another putenv() copy behavior problem when
    compiling on Windows and using Microsoft's runtime * Stop buttons from
    being very wide when a tk_messageBox has a lot of content on Unix *
    Fixed crash in [winfo server] on Mac OS X * Correct compound button
    display in the disabled state * Correct crash when generating
    postscript for a single-line polygon (point) with no color * Updated
    French message catalog * Use gb2312-raw as the alias for gb2312*
    charset fonts on unix -- Tcl Core Team and Maintainers Jeff Hobbs, Tcl
    Core Release Manager 

SCons 0.14 adds Java support, Autoconf-like functionality

    SCons alpha release 0.14 is now available for download. SCons is a
    software construction tool (build tool, or substitute for Make)
    implemented in Python, based on the winning design in the Software
    Carpentry build tool competition (in turn based on the Cons build
    tool). This release most notably adds support for Java builds (javac,
    javah, rmic and jar), and adds integrated Autoconf-like functionality
    for finding #include files and libraries. This release also contains
    significant performance improvements from previous releases. IMPORTANT:
    Release 0.14 contains the following interface changes: - Tool
    specifications no longer take a "platform" argument. - Emitter
    functions in Builders are now passed Node objects, not strings, for all
    targets and sources. - New TargetSignatures() and SourceSignatures()
    functions have been added to replace SetBuildSignatureType() and
    SetContentSignatureType(). - The Export() function and the exported
    variables argument of SConscript() now search for variables using the
    same rules as Python: local first, then global. - The SetJobs() and
    GetJobs() functions have been deprecated in favor of using
    SetOption('num_jobs', num) and GetOption('num_jobs'). - Callable
    expansions of construction variables in a command line now take a
    fourth "for_signature" argument that is set when the expansion is being
    called to generate a build signature. - Construction variables for
    building a target are now frozen when the Builder is called; later
    changes to the Environment do not necessarily affect how the target is
    build. See the release notes for more information about these changes.
    This release adds the following features: - Support for the Java tools
    javac, javah, rmic and jar has been added. - A Configure() function has
    been added that supports a lot of functionality similar to Autoconf. -
    A new PLATFORM construction variable stores a string representing the
    platform on which SCons is being run. - Dependencies may now be
    specified on in-core Python values. - Help text can now be sorted
    arbitrarily. - New $TARGET and $SOURCE attributes: ".posix" expands to
    a path name with forward slashes as separators, even on Win32 systems;
    ".srcpath" expands to a path to the source of a file in a BuildDir;
    ".srcdir" expands to a path to the BuildDir itself. - A new clear()
    method resets a Node's state for re-use by continuous integration build
    interfaces. - Support for using Ghostscript to convert Postscript to
    PDF files has been added. - A stand-alone "Alias" function has been
    added. - Import('*') will now import everything that's been Export()ed.
    - New SetOption() and GetOption() functions support setting and
    fetching various command-line options within an SConscript file. - The
    Tool() function now adds tool names to a $TOOLS variable, which may be
    used to examine what tools are available. - The C preprocessor
    "#import" statement is now supported. - Newly-built .dll files can now
    be registered with the Windows registry using regsvr32. - An IDL
    scanner has been added. - A builder for Windows type library (.tlb)
    files from IDL files. The following fixes have been added: - Cygwin
    fixes: Use the .dll extension for shared libraries; don't use -fPIC
    when compiling shared libraries; use 'rm' to remove files; use MSVC '@'
    syntax for linking long command-lines. - The SYSTEMROOT environment
    variable on Win32 systems is now automatically propagated to the
    execution ENV environment. - Remote CVS file names are now checked out
    using Posix-style path names. - Trying to expand an out-of-range
    subscript for a construction variable like $TARGETS or $SOURCES now
    interpolates the null string. - SCons now correctly links or duplicates
    files in subsidiary BuildDir() directories. - SCons now reports
    "Cleaning targets ..." when the -c option is used. - The "Entering
    directory" message now quotes the directory name exactly like Make
    does. - Export() now works correctly for local Python variables, and
    can accept a dictionary as an argument. - PDB files now get put in a
    BuildDir() correctly. Performance has been improved as follows: -
    Unnecessary redundant signature calculations for command lines and
    Nodes have been eliminated. Development tests suggest this may speed up
    builds up to 30% or more. 

Python 2.2.3 rc 1

    The first and hopefully only release candidate for Python 2.2.3 is now
    out. See http://www.python.org/2.2.3 for details. We expect Python
    2.2.3 final to be released within a week of this announcement. 

DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.61.2 released

    Major bug fix for 1.61.1 and accumulated enhancements and fixes from
    previous releases. 

TuxTyping 1.5.0 released

    After over a year of development with no releases, we are pleased to
    present Tux Typing 2 "Preview" release. Most of the internals have been
    rewritten with a focus on extensibility and internationalization.
    Creating a language pack is now as simple as creating a file for
    translations (lang.po file), maybe finding a font [1], setting up how
    the keyboard maps to the characters [2], and finally creating some word
    lists. TuxTyping is an educational typing tutorial game for children
    starring Tux, the Linux Penguin. It is graphical and requires SDL. It
    is free software copyrighted under the Gnu GPL. There is a new style of
    game "Comet Zap" and the start of tutor components with the new
    "Practice" mode. We really look forward to getting feedback about what
    parents/teachers/students/kids think about the new work. This release
    has a few rough edges, but we feel that it is time to let the world see
    what has been happening with Tux Typing. We have forums, mailing lists,
    and most importantly windows and linux builds are available at
    http://tuxtype.sf.net We are already hard at work at 1.5.1 and hope to
    have it released soon making it even easier for translators and users!
    Thanks, Jesse Andrews - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Calvin Arndt -
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] Notes: [1] We are using a font that has support
    for many languages (Dansk, English, French, Spanish, ...) So if the
    included font works with your language, you don't need to find a new
    font. [2] for instance in the default (English) language pack, we set
    up the game so if the student presses 'A' or 'a' it both works for "A". 

JGraph Geneva (v2.1.1) released

    JGraph is the most powerful, lightweight, feature-rich, and thoroughly
    documented open-source graph component available for Java. This release
    (Geneva) includes minor changes: bean property methods and empty
    constructor added to ConnectionSet for XMLEncoding, added Null-Check to
    isCellEditable, fixed shared points bug in DefaultEdge, disable
    autosize during in-place edit. 

JGraphpad Salamance (v2.1.1 RC3) released

    JGraphpad is the first free diagram editor for Java that offers XML,
    Drag and Drop and much more. This release (Salamance) offers full
    TikiWiki integration, remote diagrams and libraries, custom cell
    properties, overview with panner, right-button panning, accepts files,
    urls, images and text via clipboard/drag and drop, exports GXL to
    clipboard, new graph explorer tool with automatic layout, enhanced GXL
    import, image export, and major and minor bug fixes, such as incorrect
    cell order after grouping, slow painting and Mac OS X, and status bar
    not working. 

AOLserver 4.0 beta 6 released

    Sixth beta release for AOLserver 4.0. Detailed information about the
    bugs fixed in this release can be found in the release notes on the
    files download page. AOLserver is a multithreaded, Tcl-enabled,
    massively-scalable and extensible web server tuned for large scale,
    dynamic web sites. AOLserver also includes complete database
    integration and a dynamic page scripting language. 

ScummVM 0.4.0 released

    Five months after our last release, 0.3.0b, and over 2500 CVS
    commits/adds later, the ScummVM team proudly presents ScummVM 0.4.0.
    The source code, as well as binaries for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X,
    PocketPC, Solaris and PalmOS are already available at our download page
    . Other binaries for MorphOS, Dreamcast and others, will follow
    shortly. ScummVM is a cross-platform interpreter for SCUMM-based games,
    used by LucasArts in games like: Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Day Of
    The Tentacle, The Dig, etc. It also includes an non-SCUMM interpreter
    for Simon The Sorcerer 1/2. To get an overview of what is new in 0.4.0,
    please consult our release notes:
    https://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=158604 We hope
    you will enjoy the best ScummVM ever! The ScummVM Team 

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