It looks like for each MatrixTransform you add to the scene, you get TWO 
calls to glMatrixUnform4fv, one for the osg_ModelViewMatrix and one for the 
Compared to the fixed pipeline I have 1500 gl calls during one frame, and 
in fixed only 450.
That should make for some of the decrease in performance.

Other than that a profiling does not give anything specific CPU related 
when running the application.
It is just that the draw call can be 2-4 times slower (perhaps due to the 
number of gl calls).

But the GPU time is also higher, about 100% with the same complexity (and a 
really simple shader).

On Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 10:05:28 AM UTC+2 wrote:

> Hi Anders,
> On Thu, 8 Apr 2021 at 08:42, Anders Backman <> wrote:
>> Have you all noticed that the time for Draw is dramatically more 
>> expensive for a shader based scene compared to fixed functionality?
> It can be faster or slower, it depends upon the nature of your scene graph 
> and how you manage state.  If you have lots of uniforms and lots of 
> different shaders then this could introduce a high CPU overhead.
> In general for a shader based subgraph the CPU overhead tends to be 
> higher.  However, shaders gives you lots of opportunities to batch data, 
> use things like instancing etc, so you can overall end up with a lower CPU 
> overhead.
>> I have the most basic shader possibility comparing to a fixed 
>> functionality rendering pipeline. The difference in Draw call is:
>> 1.3 ms (fixed) compared to *3.74ms* (shader) in a scene with 300 boxes. 
>> 7776 vertices, 3886 triangles.
>> RTX2080. Windows 10. OSG 3.6.4.
>> It feels kind of bad to start with a huge overhead already from the start.
>> For larger scenes the difference shrinks. Still very much noticeable.
>> With a stupid scene with 10000 drawables (same boxes) difference between 
>> "empty" shader is < 10%.
> The OSG/OpenGL combination doesn't handle fine grained scene graphs at all 
> well - hence my batching comment above.  Could you try instancing to reduce 
> the CPU overhead.
> Or... try the VulkanSceneGraph/Vulkan.  It sounds like a simple enough 
> scene graph to replicate quite easily in the VSG, it may well be an order 
> of magnitude faster for the type of usage case even without using 
> techniques like instancing to batch the data.
> Cheers,
> Robert.

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