On Aug 3, 2007, at 10:47 AM, Paul Martz wrote:

>>       We are using SceneView from OSG 1.2 and VR Juggler in a
>> multiple render thread environment. We are using the
>> osgUtil::UpdateVisitor to update the graph in a serial
>> portion of our code. SceneView::cull and SceneView::draw are
>> called from each rendering thread. In this configuration we
>> often see the displays flash the clear color on a random
>> basis. We are setting the clear color through the use of a
>> ClearNode and we clear the depth buffer at the beginning of
>> the draw function.
> Hi Doug -- Just thinking of this in OpenGL terms, the dreaded  
> "blank screen"
> can have many many causes.
> One possible explanation: The cull traversal on one of the displays  
> randomly
> thinks that everything is culled. This could be due to a  
> configuration issue
> for the camera controlling that display, the modelview/projection  
> matrices
> are bogus and/or the view volume used during the cull traversal  
> isn't set
> correctly. You might consider hacking the code to dump such  
> information out
> per frame. Yes, it will generate gobs of output, but if you do a  
> short run
> and see a flash, then examine the debug output, any one-frame  
> irregularities
> should jump out at you. If nothing shows up, then the problem is  
> somewhere
> else.
I will give this a shot.

> The other thought I had relates to the ClearNode. Does the problem  
> go away
> if you eliminate the ClearNode and just let SceneView do its own  
> clearing?
As far as we can tell SceneView does not do clearing or not that we  
can find. Am I incorrect here? I have never really been able to  
figure out how to get reliable clearing with SceneView.


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