On 10/3/07, Jean-Sébastien Guay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Adrian,
> > Here's how I installed and configured apache for svn + dav + ssl on our
> > server.
> Thibault's setup is also what I use, and it's useable both with
> command-line SVN clients and with TortoiseSVN (which I assume is what
> you mean when you say "tigris.subversion client in explorer" -
> http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/) and probably with any other SVN client
> as well.
> It's a good setup, possibly slightly less secure than through an SSH
> tunnel, but TortoiseSVN has a long-standing bug where it will ask for
> your password each time when going through an SSH tunnel (no "save
> password" option) which does not exist when using https transport, so
> it's less annoying to users.
With SSH tunneling you can use a Private Key File (.ppk) with Putty to
go through
this problem. A while ago we used this system for our SVN repository but
we've come back to an HTTP version (we needed to access it through a proxy).

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