Robert Osfield wrote:
On 10/2/07, Abe Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Robert: What should we expect from the collada import (or from other
paths into OSG)? Obviously we'd need to investigate collada export
from a modeling tool separately.

I'm not th author or a user of COLLADA so the contributors to COLLADA
will have to answer this.

I'm not a dae plugin contributor, but I'm somewhat familiar with COLLADA. As far as I can tell, there is no support for any kind of animations in the OSG COLLADA reader, only the basics (visual scenes, nodes, geometry, transforms, and materials). It appears to support skin and morph controllers as well, but not the animations to manipulate them.

Hope this helps,



"I'm a castaway stranded in a desolate land,
I can see the footprints in the virtual sand."
        --Neil Peart

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