Hi All,

I have a quick question. I'm playing with picking objects in a scene using the 
pickhandler example. The scene is essentially a big box whose faces face 
inwards. Within the box I have a smaller box whose faces face outwards. If I am 
outside both boxes, looking into the outer box, the pickhandler returns both 
the outer box, face that I have hit, and the inner box faces that I have hit. 
As the outer box face is actually facing away from me,  I want to exclude it. 
Is there an easy way to do this?

My thinking was that I essentially need to look at the normal of the face that 
I hit, and the direction of view vector for the camera, take the dot product, 
and if positive exclude it. Does this sound right? Is there an easier 
way/structure that I should use?

Many thanks for any help

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