Hi Manu

2007/12/5, Emmanuel Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Suppose I have a class MyClass "introspected"
> I also some kind of template class MyTemplace<class T>, which can be built
> with the type T=MyClass, BUT this construction is done nowhere in our base
> library... I guess if I try to generate wrappers, the type
> MyTemplate<MyClass> will not be defined (ie reflected). What is best way to
> solve this problem ?

Template reflection is not supported in osgIntrospection. You have to
reflect each class create with a template.
Done automatically by genWrapper when it found a template instantiation.
Take a look to src/osgWrapper/osg/Array, each osg::Vec2, osg::Vec2s,
osg::Vec3 ... are reflected.

And by the way, I noticed that (with the SVN version of the genwrapper at
> least) it is not possible to use the option "-p" to generate VisualStudio
> project files. The option simply doesn't appear anywhere in the source code
> in fact, it that normal ?

Well. really few person use genWrapper. I use it on Linux, Robert too. Never
try on Windows.
So perhaps this feature is firstly intended but never implemented.
You can do it if you want :-)

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