I have found various resources about setting modes for
light in OSG. But I do not want to use setMode(), but
getMode(), which is giving me some problems.

I want to issue a command like the OpenGL
"glIsEnabled(GL_LIGHT0)" to see if a certain light is
already active. This is needed to find a "free" light
number to enable a new light besides the one already
in the scene. The thing is, the return value from my
getMode() command is always "8"! Any help is greatly

Here is a code fragment:

osg::StateSet* rootStateSet = root->getStateSet();
int lightNum = 0;
osg::StateAttribute::GLModeValue attr =
if(attr==0) {
        lightNum = 0;
} else {
        attr = rootStateSet->getMode(GL_LIGHT1);
        if(attr==0) {
                lightNum = 1;
        } else {
                attr = rootStateSet->getMode(GL_LIGHT2);
                if(attr==0) {
                        lightNum = 2;
                } else {
                attr = rootStateSet->getMode(GL_LIGHT3);
                        if(attr==0) {
                                lightNum = 3;

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