OK, I have a good guess why this isn't working for me. I'm calling  
setScale on the osg::PositionAttitudeTransform that my models are  
attached to, and I bet the depth partition is using the actual model  
size... am I correct?

If so, I need to either scale the models themselves before loading, or  
scale the actual model on load. I'm using osgDB::readNodeFile("xxx. 
3ds") to load the models. There doesn't appear (I have looked through  
the reference guide... of course that doesn't mean the info isn't  
there ;-) to be a way to scale the actual model data on load (which  
would be nice as I would not have to involve the artist again).


On Dec 17, 2007, at 7:05 PM, Richard S. Wright Jr. wrote:

> Donald,
> Thanks... that's a pretty easy looking solution. However, I seem to  
> be doing something unorthodox somewhere that is preventing this node  
> from working as intended. I get a moving gap cut through the world  
> that is more or less parallel to the camera plane, and that moves  
> around as the camera moves (I am moving my camera manually). Have  
> you seen this effect before (see below)?

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