Hi Robert and all:

    Thanks for Robert's support and his kind help in process.

    This Chinese mirror have spent more time for his surface looks like the 
English official website. I use the Trac and almost all the images and chart's 
come from openscenegraph.org, the datebase is a very important difficulties in 
Tracs.  I have finish part of the mirror which is most looks like 
openscenegraph.org(99%, the 1% is the language difference).I think this will be 
help the osger in China to realize the mirror come from openscenegrph.org.

    It also include some Chinese, but some are translating from English also, 
such as Navy's tutorials. Every nation's condition have some difference in 
using OpenSceneGraph. But when the website is finished after Feb 7, I will send 
a difference between the two site and if some need the articles or the 
tutorials in Chinese, I and my colleagues will translate it into English. For 
our poor English, Robert will edit it.

    OpenSceneGraph is famous for two points, the first is powerful, and the 
last is poor document.

    Mutiple langulage mirror is very useful for every nations.Someone have 
interesting in it?

    Thank you Robert.


Yang ShiXing
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