Hi J-S,

The guide on when to use CompositeViewer or Viewer comes down to both
practicalities and conceptual sides, if you don't keep both the
practicalities and concepts well in sync you'll find it hard to get
working and had to understand and communicate with others.

So lets start with the basic concept that both viewers share, the
concept of the a "View".  The View corresponds to a view that you have
physical world, such as when you look out of one or more windows of
building.  If you have just one window to look through then you have
just one view, also if you have multiple windows then if you were to
turn around to someone to explain when you see you'd talk about a
single view - the fact that you have multiple windows becomes
irrelevant its the view of the scene beyond that is framed by the
windows that is important.

The osg/osgViewer::View is exactly the same, its one view on one
scene.  The "Scene" here is the osgViewer::Scene which wraps up the
details for a single scene graph.  The View can be made up of one bit
- a single Camera assigned to a single Window, or multiple Camera's
each with their own Windows.  In both single and multiple camera cases
the overall view is coordinated - for instance the view out of a car
windows is all managed as a single over entity if the car turns then
all the sub portions of the view change with it.  Implementation wise
this is where you have a master Camera that provides the overall view
and projection matrix and slave cameras which have their own local
offsets relative to this master Camera.   For the simple single
camera/window case the master Camera doesn't need any slaves to help
out, so you just assign the window directly to the master.

The are times when you want to mix this slave/master relationship up a
little, but importantly for your own sanity you need to keep coming
back to the concept that one View represents one physical view.  The
cases when you might find it useful to mix things up a little is when
doing viewer level effects like distortion correction - here you have
one coordinated View, but the rendering is actually done by multiple
slave Cameras that are reletaive to the master that render to texture,
the one or more other slave Camera(s) that effectively render the
resultant texture(s) to graphics window applying their own
effects/distortion along the way.  This second set of slave Camera(s)
neither share the master's view and projection matrices, nor the same
scene graph - they have their own local scene graphs required for the
sole purpose of doing the post rendering effects/distortion
correction.    Despite this extra internal complexity of how to render
the view, its is still one logical view and at the application level
one would want to control it as such and not have to worry about the
fact their might be 7+ slave cameras under the hood.    This is where
the practicalities of the implementation and the concepts still hold
together in step, so we know we are still on firm ground.

The above might seem rather complicated to get your head around,
but... much of it can be wrapped up and encapsulated nicely, either
via plugins or methods like View::setUpViewAcrossAllScreens() or
View::setUpViewFor3DSphericalDisplay() with support power walls and
distorted corrected spherical displays respecitively, all the multiple
camera/window setup is done for you.  Internally
osgViewer::Viewer/CompositeViewer will worry about all the cameras and
windows and keep them in sync and threaded correctly.

For a hemi-spherical display you could follow along the lines of

OK. Lots of text just on View. Well it is the most important bit to
understand, both implementation wise and conceptually.  Once you've
got your head around the above then its quite easy to go the next step
which is to know when and where to use CompositeViewer or Viewer.  Its
simple, do you have a single view that you are trying to represent?
If so then use Viewer as its "is a" single View, the fact that that
this single view might take half a dozen cameras to realise it doesn't
ever change that fact that is its just for creating a single view.

This leaves the CompositeViewer, it "has a" list of one or more Views.
 Yes you can use it to do just one view, and it'll behave and perform
just like the standard Viewer in this instance, but it's a bit more
complicated to use as one has to access a list of View's just rather
than just directly accessing a single view that you know is always
there as in the case of Viewer.  So if you have a single view just use
Viewer, most users probably fit in this category.   There are still
lots of users that need more than just a single view, they want
multiple viewpoints all looking on the same view such as in a CAD
program, or a 3D scene and a map view, or the want to be able to load
multiple models and control them all independently.    For these
applications having the ability to manage multiple Views on to on or
more Scenes is very powerful.  While it is more complex to manage than
a single View(er) the complexity remains proportional to the problem
in hand, in fact the practical implementation details remain in step
with the conceptual problem you are solving, so again you know you are
on the right track.

So... J-S what you should you be using..  Feel free to explain which and why :-)

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