On Thu, 2008-01-31 at 08:44 -0500, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
> Hello Roni,
> > I don't have an error message, and the image is not black, I just get 
> > the same picture I would get without running shaders.
> You say you don't get any error messages, but did you set 
> OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG when running your app? Any GLSL compiler 
> warnings/errors will show up then.

As a side note, I wonder if Robert could be convinced to remove these

        cull_draw() 0x805a808
        end cull_draw() 0x805a808

...from DEBUG or INFO level output, as I get about 6 zillion of them
every second, making setting the notify level pretty useless. Am I the
only one that sees this?

> In my experience, the GLSL compilers are pretty picky, and even warnings 
> will force the pipeline back to fixed-function, which is what you're 
> seeing. So check that.
> > Any ideas? Maybe a driver issue? Maybe the card doesn't support the 
> > shaders used in osg 2.2?
> Apart from the above, a driver issue is always possible (if it's a new 
> machine, the first thing you should do is update your video card drivers!).
> A GeForce 7800 is by no means old, so most shaders should work fine on 
> it. I have a 7900 at home and it works fine. The things that are 
> supported by the 8800 and not by the 7900 are (in a nutshell) Shader 
> Model 4 and Geometry Shaders, but I doubt your trivial 
> "gl_FragColor=vec4(1,0,0,1)" shader uses any of that! :-)
> One thing I have sometimes seen is the shader being replaced by an empty 
> osg::Program lower down in the scene graph. The empty osg::Program will 
> effectively disable shaders and the subgraph will thus be rendered by 
> the fixed pipeline. One way to see if that's happening is to output your 
> scene graph to an .osg file and inspect it in a text editor.
> #include <osgDB/WriteFile>
> int main(int argc, char** argv)
> {
>     osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> root = new osg::Group;
>     //...  build scene graph ...
>     osgDB::writeNodeFile(*root, "output.osg");
>     // Make sure the write is the last thing you do before running the 
> viewer, so
>     // you're pretty sure you're writing the final scene graph to the file.
>     viewer.setSceneData(root.get());
>     return viewer.run();
> }
> Good luck,
> J-S

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