I'm using PostDrawCallback to make a screenshot in a realtime environment
with CompositeViewer. Therefor I add this callback when user wants to make
the screenshot. But after adding this callback to the camera, a screenshot
is taken after each new frame. I just want to have a screenshot of the
current frame and then the callback should be automatically removed. I can't
find a method to remove the callback from the camera after successfully
taking a screenshot.

Who knows how to solve this problem?

The code follows:

class ScreenShotCallback: public osg::Camera::DrawCallback {

        double _w,_h;
        char*  _filename;

        ScreenShotCallback(double w,double h,char* f)
            _w = w;
            _h = h;
            _filename = f;
        ~ScreenShotCallback() {};

    void operator() (const osg::Camera &camera) const {
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> frame = new osg::Image;
        frame->readPixels(0, 0, _w, _h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
        osgDB::writeImageFile(*frame, _filename);

in the main:
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