A couple years back I was working with some large-area TerraPage
databases and added support in the txp plugin for this 'local origin'
mode.  It seemed to work pretty well back then, but Terrex (or whatever
they're named now) may have changed things and broken it.  I just looked
at the current OSG source and the 'tile local' code is still in there,
so I'd say give it a try and see if it still works.
On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 10:49 +0800, Kiff Loh wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m building a large visual database using Terra Page and running on
> OSG. I read that from Terra Vista help that Terra Vista allows the TXP
> database to have an origin for each tile instead of the whole gaming
> area. It states that “This setting requires an extra offset for the
> runtime.” 
> Anyone knows how do we load such a database in OSG? I may need such a
> DB because my current XYZ is causing a lot of jittering from terrain
> to models and lights.
> Below is an extract from Terra Vista Help.
> “Use this field to tell Terra Vista whether the coordinates in your
> output TXP database are offset with respect to the origin of the
> Gaming Area, or with respect to each tile. This could, for example,
> help if your coordinates were getting too large. Your choices here
> are:
> Origin.  When set to Origin each tile will be relative to the origin
> of the database. This is the default setting.
> Tile.  If set to Tile, each TerraPage tile will be relative to its own
> origin. This setting requires an extra offset for the runtime. The
> advantage of using Tile, is that there is more numerical accuracy for
> larger databases. “
> Kiff
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|  Don Tidrow   |
|  Vis-Sim geek |

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