Thanks Stephan & Tatsuhiro, fixes now merged and submitted to SVN.

>  IMHO is the cursor-interface suboptimal, it tries to mimick the 
> GLUT-cursors, which are not available on every platform. Perhaps we should 
> refactor the cursor-stuff, so that the user can create mouse-cursors from 
> osg::Images, and we can support missing cursors per platform better via 
> osg::Images created from source-code.

The current API is a stop gap solution introduced by Mathias Froehlich
for the basic support cursors.  It would be nicer to have general
support such as using an osg::Image as source, but as you mention this
requires quite a bit more work across all platform to do it.
Something we can revist after OSG-2.4.

>  Another small question: how should I deal with additional source-files for 
> the graphicsWindowCarbon-implementation? How should they be named and where 
> should they be placed? (no public headers, just some stuff to add the 
> carbon-cocoa-bridge)

It should be straight forward to just add the extra files the
src/osgViewer/CMakeLists.txt within the Carbon section.  It you need
to invoke different compiler options for the Cocoa code then this will
require a few more tweaks to the CMake files, this might well be a
question for the Cmake support lists.

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