I just started using OSG and have never used ref_ptr's before, though I've read 
the "A Short Introduction to the Basic Principles of the Open Scene Graph" and 
belive I understand the concept. But I wonder if you have any advice on the use 
of ref_ptr's on OSG objects, and If you use them in some standard way.

I recon all the objects that inherits from "Referenced" should use ref_ptr for 
safer memory alloction/deleting, but I guess it's just a subjective choice.

The tutorials though use "dumb" pointers as in the Basic Geometry example:
int main()
   osg::Group* root = new osg::Group();
   osg::Geode* pyramidGeode = new osg::Geode();
   osg::Geometry* pyramidGeometry = new osg::Geometry();

but i guess it's just for simplicity.

In the guide "A Short Introduction to the Basic Principles of the Open Scene 
Graph" on the use of ref_ptr, they first create a node using ref pointer, then 
they add a node using new, and say:

Line 25 does more or less the same thing as the previous case. The
difference is that the geode is allocated with new and added as group's
child in a single line of code. This is quite safe, too, because there are
not many bad things that can happen in between (after all, there is no
in between.)

that may be a little missleading since it's not a smart pointer, and needs to 
be deleted explicitly.


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