Hi Robert,

I have a problem with compiling curl plugin under WinXP VS2005 SP1. I am
using latest revision of 3rdParty from Mike Weiblen.
The problem is that 3rdParty directory contains static curlib, while osg
expects dynamic one.
To link with static library we need following changes (probably optional in
- #define CURL_STATICLIB (see curl.h).
- add dependencies: ws2_32.lib winmm.lib

I think it should be incorporated into cmake files. I do not have any
experience with cmake language and so far I have tested it by manual
tweaking of VS project files.

Best Regards,
 Maciej Krol

2008/4/11, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi All,
> I'm back from my trip, and through today have caught up with the pending
> submissions, so we should be pretty up to date now and ready for the next
> dev release.  Before I tag the beast could users do an svn update and let me
> know how the build and run goes.
> Thanks,
> Robert.
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