>  You're only calling ->setText on text, not on textSe and textMono.

Whew, thanks, I was losing my mind.

>  On a related note: why not just use osgWidget and not worry about all this
> placement stuff? :)

I'm trying to get osgWidget working, but took a break to play around
with some other stuff...

Most of my development is on a Mac so I use the library frameworks,
which none exists for osgWidget at the moment. So I attempted to build
one but I always ran into some problem with linking or finding include
files. I tried going the cmake way, but couldn't get OSG built as I
ran into some errors there. So I took a break and played with
osgText... I love programming... I hate working with make and friends.

Now I'm on Ubuntu... built osg with cmake, but osgWidget errors when
it starts to build the examples (both repositories from svn head):

Linking CXX shared library libosgWidget.so
[ 40%] Built target osgWidget
Scanning dependencies of target osgwidgetaddremove
[ 42%] Building CXX object
Linking CXX executable osgwidgetaddremove
undefined reference to
undefined reference to
undefined reference to `osgText::Text::setFontResolution(unsigned int,
unsigned int)'
undefined reference to `osgText::Text::setRotation(osg::Quat const&)'
undefined reference to `osgText::Text::setPosition(osg::Vec3f const&)'
undefined reference to `osgText::Text::setCharacterSize(float, float)'
undefined reference to `osgText::Text::setText(std::basic_string<char,
std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

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