Hi J-S,

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
> However, Mike, do the zips you posted contain source? Since you no
> longer have access to a VS71 build environment, I think it would be nice
> to make the source of the dependencies package available (in one
> complete package), so people who do can build them themselves if they
> want to. So perhaps a separate source zip would be nice.

I do not include the actual upstream source archives, but I do include
a script with exact URLs that will pull all those upstream archives
using wget.  So getting the sources is one wget away, assuming the
upstream site hasn't stopped serving the file.

> And I would suggest two changes to the page once Robert gets back from
> his trip:
> A) Make the text much clearer where it says that the new dependencies
> package is REQUIRED for OSG 2.3+. Maybe move the old dependencies
> package to an archived page for people who still use 2.2-.
> B) Upload the zips to the wiki directly, instead of linking to Mike's
> site. It not only looks more "official" that way, but the side benefit
> would be that others could contribute pre-built dependencies for build
> environments Mike doesn't have access to (if the page is un-protected,
> of course).

I'd suggest sending your enhancement proposals to osg-submissions so
they get appropriate attention.

-- mew

Mike Weiblen -- Austin Texas USA -- http://mew.cx/
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