You can do along the lines of what Delta3D has done, by using as a source of your data and interfacing it
into OSGGA.

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:10 PM, Stephan Maximilian Huber <

> Zoltán schrieb:
> > Or, is there a way to make an osgEventHandler from a SDL_JOYSTICK
> > interface ? There is an osgviewerSDL in the examples (v2.3.4) but this is
> > for an embedded OSG viewer inside an SDL window... would those work with a
> > joystick ?
> >
> You can subclass from osgGA::GUIEventAdapter and add your joistick-data to
> it and feed it to the current event queue. In your eventhandler you can
> dynamic_cast to your subclassed Event-Adapter and read the joystick-data and
> handle it accordingly.
> I am using this technique to feed the events from a SpaceNavigaor to a
> custom event-handler.
> Or you encapsulate you joystick-data into a custom class and attach via
> setUserData to a GuiEventAdapter and push it with type USER to the
> eventqueue, and handling it in your event-handler.
> You can even mimick a mouse by feeding the event-queue with fake
> mouse-events from your joystick-data.
> HTH,
> Stephan
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