Hi Weng,

glColorMask/osg::Camera::setColorMask is not the appropriate tool to
use to make a grayscale image, it just enable/disables the writing to
the different colour changes.  For greyscale you'll need to use a
ColorMatrix, however, this uses part of the OpenGL pipeline that isn't
generally implemented in all modes/hardware/drivers,  you'll need to
read up on OpenGL specs to learn these caveates.

The other way to do is would be to write a shader that applies a
convert to greyscale in the fragment program, or to do a multipass
approach where you render to FBO, then have a second pass that does
the conversion.


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 8:17 PM, Weng Heng Sze Tho
> I would like to know how to implement color transformations (e.g. change to
> grayscale view).
> I tried using osg::Camera::setColorMask(true, true, true, true) function but
> that doesn't seem to work.
> So I'm wondering if I am using the function correctly....or is this the
> correct function to call?
> Thanks in advance
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