Hi David,

All slightly wierd CMake behaviour , but all fixed now through manually pointing _freetype and _ft2build. Maybe something to do with non-standard 3rdParty location?

What is that non-standard 3rdParty location? You mentioned your dependencies are in D:/Code/3rdparty/include, but where is your OSG source tree in relation to that?

I have noticed that if CMake finds the 3rdParty dir by itself (either because it's parallel ot the OSG sources, or because it's in one of the predefined searched locations like C:\Program Files\OpenSceneGraph, or because it's in a subdirectory of OSG_ROOT or some other environment variable that it searches) then things seem to work, but if you point CMake to it by modifying ACTUAL_3RDPARTY_DIR yourself, sometimes some libs will not be found correctly. Perhaps that's what's happening here?

Also problems could happen if CMake finds some libs in your 3rdParty dir and some others elsewhere on your system (which should not happen except if CMake does not find your 3rdParty dir the first time you click Configure, but you have to point it to the right place). So that's certainly something to check for.

As mentioned in another post yesterday, I generally stick to a structure like this:

.../somedir/OpenSceneGraph         (contains top-level CMakeLists.txt)
.../somedir/OpenSceneGraph/src     (etc.)

and that seems to work very well. The CMake files should be fixed so that other usage models work too if they are expected to work, but I think this is the generally-accepted "known working" structure.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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