Hi Cedric,

If it can helps i have space on my server, so if someone wants to start something i can share my place, instanciate a vserver osgForge. If one is interested he can send me a ssh key and i will provide the space and a fresh linux distrib ready to use.

I was actually asking the question assuming some steps had already been taken.

If that is not the case, we'll need to make and manage a server ourselves, and your offer would be interesting. Is your server at your home, or is it a bit more organized than that? I'm thinking a bare minimum would be a UPS, and perhaps some site monitoring to ensure a certain uptime. What do you think? If it's a personal server, I think it would not be a good idea to start osgForge there because we couldn't guarantee that it would be always accessible...

The other part of the equation is the software to manage the projects and such. Tracs would be one option, and I think SourceForge's software infrastructure is open source as well? What do people think?

And finally, who would manage the site? I can help setting it up, but I don't think I could do the day-to-day creation of accounts and projects, making sure everything works, updating software, etc.

But before we go too far on this route, I'd like to know what Robert thinks. Was anything started on this? What were your plans?


Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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