Hello Robert et al,

First of all, an announcement: I have finished my Masters. My thesis was accepted unanimously and apart from some small corrections, the comments were good. I'm happy! :-)

I was thinking of publishing my Masters project under the OSGPL. It's an interesting program (at least I think so) that combines basic Precomputed Radiance Transfer [Sloan2002] and a modified Shading Cache [Tole2002] using OSG for realtime rendering as well as Adian Egli's generously contributed kdtree for raytracing.

You have often spoken of an osgForge site that you wanted to set up and which would allow hosting of different OSG-related projects. Will that site see the light of day anytime soon? It would be a nice place where my project could live and others could contribute to it if they find it useful. And in a more general sense, I think it would be very cool to group all the cool projects that people want to make available to others, and it would encourage others to use them and contribute to them as was done with OSG itself, but on a smaller and even more distributed scale.

Otherwise I can always make a googlecode project or something, or even just open up my local SVN for read-only access, but I'd prefer to host it somewhere where potential problems with my own computer infrastructure would not affect it, and an osgForge would provide some nice visibility too. :-)

If I can help make osgForge a reality, let me know.



[Sloan2002] Peter-Pike Sloan, Jan Kautz and John Snyder "Precomputed Radiance Transfer for Real-Time Rendering in Dynamic, Low-Frequency Lighting Environments"

[Tole2002] Parag Tole, Fabio Pellacini, Bruce Walter and Donald P. Greenberg "Interactive Global Illumination in Dynamic Scenes"
Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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