as a datapoint, here is my recipe for building OSG 2.4.0 on
VS2005sp1/WinXPsp2 that I use for the win32 binary installer.
Motivated by my own dreadful memory, my goal is to make the whole
process as foolproof and turnkey as possible...

1) svn checkout
(or trunk if you want my raw development)
That is my SVN "build configuration" that points to all the necessary
components via svn:external references to other project's tags.  If
you were to checkout using the --ignore-externals flags, you'd see
that tree is actually only ~98KB, thanks to the magic of svn:external.
 But when checked-out with externals enabled, all the subsystems get
pulled into the correct locations relative to each other.  (fyi, this
is why I really like using SVN to distribute the 3rdParty prebuilts,
rather than having to coordinate the unpacking of .zip snapshots.
Once you embrace svn:external, .zip snapshots are just a pain :-)

2) edit SETENV.bat to your liking
You should review and decide if/what needs adjusting.  Note that
Release v. Debug is specified here.

3) run x1000_CMAKE.bat
That sets my preference overrides for some CMake defaults then runs
CMake (in non-GUI mode) to create the VS projects.  You should review
and decide if/what needs adjusting.

4) run x3000_VSIDE.bat
That launches VisualStudio 2005, with the OSG envars initialized for
ease of debugging, using the just-generated project files.

5) build as usual.

Following these steps, I get no errors or significant warnings.  Any
tweaks are preserved in the three .bat scripts mentioned.  My goal is
(and in my experience) it Just Works.

-- mew

PS Yep, I will capture this is a README

Mike Weiblen -- Austin Texas USA -- http://mew.cx/
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