I simply mean a test against the driver version, one could come up
with a who sets of tests that
try to isolate when this double make current is applied.  Automatic in
as much as its a test that is
done within GraphicsWindowWin32 methods rather than something manually
invoked by the user.

I may test if GL_VENDOR string contains "NVidia" word (case insensitive).
and GL_RENDERER contains "GeForce" and sometthing that fits "6??0", "7??0", "8??0" paterns.

I don't know if there are extensions which would allow me to read drivers version. GL_VERSION doesn't seem appropriate - it reports OpenGL version. Of course I could try to look for NVOPENGL.dll and check its version but this sounds like a recipee for trouble in the future.

I may also try to figure out if Windows is XP.

If above is OK I will implement it and send a submission.


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