Hello Vincent,

Ok, right it is not in the .dll list...

But how to compile it ? I have tried to add freetype in the Cmake2.6 configuration, but when I compile OSG 2.5.1 freetype is not int the list... ?
I can get if from 2.2 but I don't think it is the best way...

As has been discussed a lot in the past few months, OSG >= 2.3.x requires a new version of the Freetype library, so you need to update your 3rdParty dependencies to Mike's version in the osgtoy SVN. See the dependencies page on the wiki for the link. Then, delete your CMake cache (or your build directory), and re-do the CMake setup. It should detect Freetype correctly and generate the project for the freetype plugin.

If you added freetype manually to the CMake config, this could be the problem because one of the freetype libraries is set as an "advanced option" (either debug or release, can't remember) so if it's not set, you won't see it, and CMake will just not generate a project for the freetype plugin without telling you.

When opening the generated solution file, you should have a "Plugin freetype" project in the project list. If you don't, then something is wrong and you should re-do the steps.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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