HI Alex,

I can't work out exactly what you mean w.r.t your setup.  What
threading model is the viewer set up as?

W.r.t SingleThreaded not setting the _threadsRunning flag... well, if
it's single threaded then no extra threads will be running, so the
code is perfectly correct.

Also if you report a crash, please make sure you provide a stack trace
as this is essential for others to be able to help look for the cause
of the problem.


On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 10:30 AM, amalric alexandre
> Hi osg-users,
> I maybe found a bug on CompositeViewer::addView(osgViewer::View* view) in
> OSG 2.5.2.
> I have an application wich add and remove views on a compositeViewer
> embedded in MFC windows. When I try to add a new view it crashes.
> With debug information I've noticed that in addView function _threadsRunning
> variable was always false, so that stopThreading is never called.
> I've searched why _threadsRunning was false and I've found that in
> ViewerBase::startThreading(), _threadsRunning is never set to true because
> we return before at line 269 in case we're SingleThreaded, otherwise if
> we're CullDrawThreadPerContext for example we just break but we don't
> return. Is it normal ?
> Kind Regards,
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