Hi Robert,

It's good to hear those news ;-)

I'm currently having another problem on removing view (OSG 2.5.2).

When closing a view in function

void GraphicsContext::close(bool callCloseImplementation)

at line 469

if (makeCurrent()) is returning false.

False is returned from this workaround added 2008/05/12 in


if( ::wglGetCurrentDC() != _hdc ||

::wglGetCurrentContext() != _hglrc )


if (!::wglMakeCurrent(_hdc, _hglrc))


reportErrorForScreen("GraphicsWindowWin32::makeCurrentImplementation() -
Unable to set current OpenGL rendering context", _traits->screenNum,

return false;



I wish to know if it is the normal behaviour ?

Kind regards,
2008/6/28 Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi All,
> There has been several users having problems when trying to do
> CompositeViewer::addView(..), removeView() after the viewer has been
> realized.  I've investigated this further using Amalric's modified
> osgwindows.cpp as a base, one fix relating to lack of texturing in new
> windows I checked in during the week.  Today I've been looking at
> avoiding the window realize code that Amalric's code had to avoid a
> second a second issue - that is crashes caused by the new windows not
> being realized.
> To simplify the addView() code that users have to use in their own
> apps, I've added automatic realize of new windows that are added view
> the CompositeViewer::addView(), with this code is only called if the
> viewer has already been realized.  With this change I'm able to remove
> the workarounds from the test code (i..e no need for realize calls, or
> stop/startThreading.)  I've testing with single threaded and
> multi-threaded viewers it looks like everything just now works for
> standard models.  These improvements have now been checked into the
> SVN version of the OSG.
> The only problem I've seen left to resolve in this area is that on
> paged databases, the tiles I'm see aren't coming up with textures.  I
> strongly suspect this is due to the paged database releasing
> osg::Image objects after it's downloads them - something that is good
> for keeping a lid on memory usage, but is causing problems in this
> case.  This fix would be to disable the unref after apply on all the
> paged textures, this isn't a viewer issue, rather a database
> management issue, and something that would need to be done on load of
> the database, rather than as something we can fix by tweaks in the
> viewer.
> Robert.
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